Tim Shriver & John F. Kennedy Jr.
'I never would have run for office if Joe had lived.'
John F. Kennedy
Joe Jr, Kathleen and John (Jack)
I have to be honest, I really didn't know much about the Kennedy family pre JFK. I studied JFK in school of course, and I crushed over John Jr when I was younger, shocked when he died so young back in 1999. My biggest dive into the family was when I was about 19 or 20. I was working on a boardwalk for the summer, signing up tourists for boat tours. 7 our of my 8 hour summer days were just sitting in a booth, doing little but staring out into the harbour. I usually worked the second shift, and the older woman who worked the first shift often left her novels for the rest of us to read.
Ted (far right)
I had no real interest, but found myself deeply involved in a biography she left behind about Joan Kennedy, first wife of senator Ted Kennedy. Growing up, it was hard to connectTed was the bigger, older Kennedy, as the younger brother of the former President. I was interested then to watch
American Dynasties: The Kennedy's on CNN. CNN often makes great commercials for their documentaries. Sometimes their ads, beautifully blending clips and music end up being far better than the documentary itself, so I was eager, yet skeptical about The Kennedy's.
Joseph P Kennedy Jr.
I have only watched the first episode, but was immediately drawn into the life of Joseph Kennedy, his wife rose and their nine children. Although John (Jack), Ted and Robert (Bobby) are the most well know, I was fascinated by the lives of Rosemary, who's lobotomy led to her being institutionalized and eldest daughter Kathleen and eldest son Joe who both died tragically young.
Joe especially caught my eye, not only because like his younger brother John, he was incredibly good looking, but because of the many unfilled hopes and dreams put on the oldest son. It was Joe, not John who was supposed to be the star of the family, and the one his father thought would become President. The documentary briefly mentions his jealousy concerning his younger brother taking the limelight, but after the naval aviator was killed during the war, the high expectations fell upon his younger brother John.

There is a haunting irony watching old home movies of the young, good looking and privileged Kennedy children playing in the pool, horsing around and having fun together, no idea of the tragedy that so many of them are soon to experience. The entire family, especially Joe and John look straight out of central casting. Although the Kennedy's had many hot men in the family, so many like Joe, died so young. There are a few books about Joe out there and I look forward to learning more about his short life, and his relationships with his siblings.
Joe & John (Jack) with mom Rose
Joe Jr, and Jack with father Joe
Joe Jr. and John
The Family
(l-r) Joe Jr, Jack, Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, Robert (Bobby), Jean, Edward (Ted)