Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 29th

Kris by Male Beauty by bengie
-See More Below-

~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Seasonal Sightings:

An Unplanned Undress...

There are certain places we expect, even eagerly anticipate, seeing a hot naked man.  If we go to a strip club, a nude beach, even the locker rooms at our gym.  There are other times, the undressing we bare witness to is both unplanned and unexpected. 

For the purpose of this series of shots, the unplanned strip may or may not have been planned.  Maybe they were having fun with a spontaneous strip or maybe, (often) alcohol fueled the freedom and fun. What was definitely unplanned however, is that the audience didn't leave their houses that day, expecting to see a show.

Check out some of my favorite moments of unplanned undressing on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Worth Investing?

Anyone watching Industry?  Despite it's currently in it's third season, I'd not really heard too much about it until the last few weeks.  Season three seems to have amped up the male nudity, bringing in big name guest stars to strip down and go for that Emmy nom.

Despite being on my 'must watch list', I've yet to watch so many high profile, critically acclaimed HBO shows.  I have yet to watch Succession, I started, but couldn't get into it.  I haven't watched The Sopranos, The Wire, and so many others I know many loved and enjoyed.  At this point, some of the shows have been on that list so long, I doubt I'll ever get to them.

I know it's a little pathetic, but seeing clips of Kit Harington's ass and Joel Kim Booster's frontal, have me wanting to give the show a shot.  The nudity drew my attention, but I'm also a big fan of both actors, especially if their nude scenes are in a great show.  I do need a new drama to get into, so if anyone has watched, let me know if it's worth starting from the beginning. 

Joel Kim Booster

'If you want to see me naked, it's readily available if you know the correct search terms and dark web websites to visit. And I continue to this day to send out my naked pictures of myself to random strangers frequently. So it didn't seem like that big a deal at first to do it, at first I would say.'

'It is crazy because it didn't really dawn on me until right before we shot. All of my nudes that have leaked online previously, it is my hard penis, okay? With a flaccid penis, there's a lot of variables at play. It can look a lot of different ways. Stress is a big factor in that.'
Joel Kim Booster, Vanity Fair

Naked Out Back: Kris by Male Beauty by bengie

'All of the shoots Kris and I did together were Amazing.  He is really such a lovely guy.'

I've written before how I used to love getting naked and heading out to my backyard late at night.  I had neighbors on either side, but none really that close.  If it wasn't a full moon, or really bright night, it was safe to slide out and lay on the cold, dew chilled grass.  That was when I owned my own house, since moving to a condo last year, the row of other condos behind me has made it a little more challenging.  Risky, but not entirely impossible....

Cheshire based Photographer bengie doesn't really have to worry too much about his neighbours,  In addition to living in a rural area, bengie has quite a bit of land, fields and forests around him.  He does have neighbours, but bengie doesn't really think they'd too bothered if they happened to look out their window and spot him shooting a hot nude male model on property.  

It's also difficult to imagine too many people would bothered if they glanced up over their fence and spotted the studly Kris posing naked on the other side.  My guess is, unless they're a tight ass or 'a Karen', instead of reaching for their smelling salts, most of them would pull out their binoculars and plant themselves in a comfortable lawn chair. 

This is why bengie's back patio is such a great location to shoot the many hunky models he's worked with over the years.  He doesn't have to wait for sunset and darkness to shoot.  Regardless of the time of day, bengie can utilize the natural light from the afternoon sun to cascade over, and highlight the hard, toned muscles of Kris's incredible physique. 

Although he doesn't remember which modeling site he first saw Kris on, bengie definitely remembers being taken with Kris's good looks and fantastic body.  He knew he wanted to work with him, and get Kris in front of his lens.  Kris turned out to be incredibly easy to work with, was incredibly comfortable being nude, and staying nude throughout the shoot, and more than up for doing erect shots as well. 

Both artist and photographer enjoyed their time together, and although Kris hailed from South Wales at the time, (about a three plus hour drive bengie) traveled to shoot with bengie several more times after their first shoot together.  Kris was single at the time, but eventually found a girlfriend, who wasn't really found of his doing nude photo shoots.  

Thankfully, by then, bengie had already amassed an impressive portfolio of images, shooting Kris in a variety of themes and locations around his property.  These, are mostly shots of Kris out back, on the back patio, and in the woods and fields behind his home.  Kris also posed in bengie's woodshed, and inside the house, in the studio, the shower, and eventually the bedroom.  Don't worry, bengie sent them all, and I'll share more from his time with Kris in the next couple of weeks.