Friday, May 29, 2020

Patrick Criado in Mar de plástico

'In a town in southern Spain where racial tensions run high among the workers in its many greenhouses, a cop investigates the murder of a young woman.'

Although this scene is a few years old, when I recently saw this clip from the Spanish drama Mar de plástico, I had to find out more about the actor in focus.  The Madrid born Patrick Criado plays Fernando in the series, and as you can see from the clip, has got himself in some hot water...

Embarrassment, even humiliation are recurrent themes often used when actors are naked on screen.  This is done in a variety of ways, especially with females.  With men, one of the recurring ways to get their clothes off, is the always popular prison scene.  Prison showers, strip searches, and yes, abuse by guards.  In addition to be a easy way to include exposure, there is nothing more vulnerable that having to strip down in front of someone who has total, and utter control over you and your freedom.

These scenes can go back and forth between disturbing and arousing, depending on how they are written and shot.   When the actor is as hot as Patrick, it's hard not to be aroused, which of course, is usually the point.

Mar de plástico

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