Sunday, August 11, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for August 12th

Fletcher by Studio1x
-See More Below & on the Next Page HERE:-

~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Seasonal Sightings:

Man of the Moment: Cole Escola

I’d never worn one before this shoot. It made me so horny that I asked if I could keep it. Thanks for saying yes.

Cole by Norbert Garcia Jr. for the Gay Letter

If you've been on-line, or watched much TV the last few months, you know that actor, writer and singer Cole Escola is having his well deserved moment.  Oh Mary!, the play Escola both wrote and stars in moved to Broadway this past July and has been causing quite the commotion.  If you follow Cole, or the play on social media, you know that almost every day, there's another photo of a  huge celebrity whose attended the show.

Escola and the play have already been racking up nomination and awards including the actor's recent in of the John Gassner Award at the 2024 Outer Critics Circle Awards.  I'm sure the Tony's are next, and although I won't yet predict a win, I'm confident Oh Mary! will get a slew of nominations for acting, writing and best play.  Oh Mary! also stars James Scully and Conrad Ricamora.  Most of us were introduced to Ricamora during his time playing Oliver on How To Get Away With Murder.

Cole by Sam Lee for tomboyx

I was first introduced to Escola's work on Television. I think I first crushed, and laughed my ass off, watching play Matthew on Difficult People.  We didn't get to see nearly enough of Matthew, or the show for that matter, that left the airways far too soon.  

I soon began seeing Escola in other shows, and saw his name as a writer and producer on some of my favorite shows.   The talented artis wrote and produced on The Other Two, and also served as a consulting producer on Hacks. I hope Oh Mary! is being filmed, because I'm not sure I'll be back to New York before it closes.  The play is rooted in Escola's talent, and I'm not sure it could continue with anyone else in the role.

Perspectives From Paris

Track Meat....

I have to acknowledge that I've watched very little of this year's summer Olympics.  I used to be crazy about the Olympics, both summer and winter.  I'd watch hours, and even took vacation time from work during some of the games.   This year, I just didn't get into it, at least not watching on television.

Thanks to the Internet, and especially social media, I could keep up on the games, the wins, losses and the the biggest stories from Paris.  I could also keep up on the battle of the bulges with all of the images posted by the throngs of thirsty spectators.  

I certainly consider myself among those thirsty throngs, and like everyone I have a list of favorites.  Near the top of that list is track-and-field star Leo Neugebauer.  Leo made a name for himself last week when he represented Germany winning the silver in the decathlon. One of track's most grueling events, the decathlon includes 100-meter dash, long jump, shot put, high jump, 400-meter, 110-meter hurdles, discus throw, pole vault, javelin throw and 1500-meter race.

Neugebauer is known in the US from his time studying, and competing from the University of Texas, after transferring to the US school in 2019.    The silver medalist is also known for his great face and smile, incredible butt, and of course his Olympic gold winning bulge.  As great as it looks in pictures, you really have to check out the video to watch it moving in slow motion.

Hear Pressure.... Fletcher by Studio1x

'Fletcher had never done any modeling or a photoshoot before.'

We all know about, and have experienced peer pressure, especially as kids.  Many of us have also succumbed to fear pressure, doing something or going somewhere motivated by the fear of missing out.  Many people also set goals to accomplish something they're fearful of.  The other pressure we don't always talk about, and one that occurs all the time, the is dreaded hear (or here) pressure.

Hear pressure is sort of peer pressure adjacent.   It's not so much that a friend or peer pressures us to do something, it's when we hear about something positive they've done, that we then want to emulate.  It could be something small, such a friend sharing details about a great movie that they saw, or a delicious restaurant meal that they had.  Consciously or Unconsciously,  a synapses occurs in our brain, and neural connections are made.

Even if we don't plan it, many of us soon find ourselves at that same movie, or that same restaurant.  This 'hear' pressure is the origin of ads and commercials, and why some of the best ads sell so many products.  There's also the phenomenon of 'here' pressure, very close to 'hear' pressure, but more experiential.   Many of us have joined a friend to support them with a task, only to find ourselves wanting to have a similar experience as our friend is having.

I'm sure that more than a few of you have accompanied someone shopping, or to a piercing or tattoo shop.  Although you many not have planned it, you buy something, pierce something, or have artwork applied to your body, that you never planned for or intended prior to that day. Both that 'hear' and 'here' pressure, were exactly what led Fletcher to strip off his clothes step in front of Jim's (Studio1x) camera, and model nude for the very first time.

Some of you may remember my introducing you to Jim's work with Fletcher last fall. (HERE:)  Fletcher was hanging out with one of his good friends, who happened to have a nude shoot with Jim scheduled for that day.  One the way to Jim's studio, the friend dropped Fletcher off at a bar nearby.  Fletcher was supposed to wait, and hang out while his friend modeled for Jim.  Well, you can guess the rest of the story.  After his friend went back to pick him up, he shared what a great experience he'd had modeling for Jim and before long, Fletcher called Jim to schedule a shoot of his won. 

Jim set up a shoot for later that week, and this time, it was Fletcher who dropped his buddy off at the bar to wait, while he completed his first photo shoot.  What was so great was that Fletcher didn't have any specific goals for the shoot, he wasn't looking to become a model, or share his nudes on a modeling or OnlyFans site.  He simply wanted to experience the feeling and freedom of being photographed naked.

For many professional models, a nude or erotic shoot can become routine and all business.  For amateur models however, especially those modeling nude for the very first time, it can also be a stimulating and erotic adventure.  As you can see from these shots, Fletcher was fully embracing the erotic elements and was fully hard from almost the get go.  Jim always starts with clothed shots, especially with new models, to help increase their level of trust and comfortability, before starting to shoot nudes.  Fletcher seemed eager move things along, and was obviously solidly prepared, and ready for his close-up.   

Not all guys do get erections during a shoot but it is very normal for one to get an erection even if that wasn't the plan. They are putting themselves out there, posing naked, taking direction and showing a very different side of themselves that most people do not see.  Fletcher was no different, he was excited by the time we got to the nudes and we captured his erection nicely.

You can check out more of Jim's work with Fletch on the NEXT PAGE HERE: