Monday, January 6, 2020

Schitt's Creek: The Final Season

The brilliant Dan Levy, and the cast of Schitt's Creeks begins it's final season this week on CBC and Pop.  I discovered the hilarious sit-com during it's third season and quickly binged watched the first two season to catch up.  The series is so beautifully written, blending side splitting comedy with a a lot of heart.

Levy (above pulling a Taylor Lautner as host of MTV's The After Show) is hopefully going to be making us laugh for years to come. The actor and writer signed a multi-year deal with ABC television last fall, so hopefully will have shows on the air before too long.  I respect Levy and his father Eugene (flashing a little butt on FH HERE:)

I also hope some wise producer hires Catherine O'Hara quickly!  O'Hara has some famous movie roles, but none as memorable as her turn as Moira Schitt.  I personally would kill to see her cawing in a version of The Crows Have Eyes II!

I also need to find another way to get my fix of  Dustin Milligan. (above with Levy)  I love his character Ted, and although Patrick and David are a great couple, I personally enjoy Ted and Alexis just as much.  Ted left on an adventure at the end of last season, hope the show doesn't keep him off screen for too long.

I wish Levy had chosen to continue the show for another season or two to hit that 100 episode mark, but we'll have to be grateful for over seventy episodes from the shows six seasons.

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