Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for November 20th

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Cruel Summer

Yes I know, season 9 of Bravo's Summer House is due to premiere in the new year, but I only just finished watching season 8.  Although it aired last winter, I only started watching the show during the pandemic, and started the last season at the end of the summer.  After a bit of a slow start, I then got into it and much like Ciera, found myself falling for the wrong men...  They were so purdy though and showed a decent amount of skin.  If you didn't watch, or want to look back at some of the skin baring highlights, check out the NEXT PAGE HERE:


Instagram's That Inspire: Alex Michael

'I will get you strong, healthy, and feeling your best!'

Is there anything hotter than a incredibly hot man promising to make you strong, healthy and full of feels.  Alex Michael is an actor who in order to look his best for auditions and roles, started working out and getting more fit.  This led to modeling opportunities in fitness, as well as commercial and fashion.   As most of us know, given we're dressed most of the time, as important as it is be happy with our bodies out of clothes, it may be even more important, to feel good about it in them.

Alex's work as an actor helped him immensely with modeling, and not just his because of his physical appearance.  Acting also helped the 27 year old learn how to portray different and powerful emotions in front of the lens.  It also helped that as both an actor and a model, Alex considers himself to be creative, open to working with great people and trying new things.

'I'm free spirited, easy going and open minded. I am chill but also have a fiery passion to succeed. '

Alex also tries not to take himself too seriously, and has seen many actors and models get obsessive about their fitness and health.  While he knows it's good to take care of you body, it also important to take care of your mind, and for Alex, that means not obsessing over every little thing.  Alex strives to have an unconventional and awesome life, which means that sometimes, you have to think outside the box when it comes to health and fitness.

This led Alex to branch out into outline fitness training. (HERE:)  In addition to helping others with their diets and fitness routines, Alex strives to help people get in shape without sacrificing their lifestyle, and wants his clients to have fun and enjoy the process.

The World's Most Un-talked About Subject....

'A closeted lawyer risks his career to bring a blackmailer to justice.'

It's a little difficult today to think about closeted gay men being so controversial, but 1961's Victim really leaned into using sensational taglines and catchphrases.  They challenged audiences to ask themselves if they were 'adult' enough to see the film, and claimed the film was one of the world's most un-talked about subject, and that it delt with 'perhaps' one of the most controversial themes the screen has ever dared to touch. 

Although there were no sex scenes in the film, and not a hint of nudity, the film promoted how the movie was praised by some, and banned by others.  I guess with the current political attack on the LGBTQ people, especially those in the transgender community, it shouldn't be that shocking.  The funny thing about Victim is that although 'hidden' gay men are core to the story, it's the neo-noir and suspense elements that really drew me into the story.


I DVR'd the film months ago when it aired on TCM, but only just watched it last weekend.  The film opens by introducing us to Jack Barrett, (Peter McEnery) whose on the fun after the police show up at his workplace.  He's in the closet, and being blackmailed over his sexuality.  He attempts to call a friend, and former lover, Melville Farr, (Dirk Bogarde) but Farr hangs up, thinking it's Barrett actually trying to blackmail him.

Farr is now a successful barrister thriving in his London practice, he's now married, and trying to keep his former life in the rear view mirror.  Barrett is soon picked up by the police and put in jail, and Farr then learns the truth.   Sadly it's too late for Barrett who hangs himself in his cell.  Farr quickly learns that the person behind Barrett's blackmail is actually part of a larger scheme, harassing and blackmailing many men in the London area. 

When I watched the film, I initially assumed I didn't know any of the actors in the film.  Although I'd heard the name 'Dirk Bogarde' before, I was sure I hadn't seen him in a film before.  I was of course, very wrong.

I'd seen pieces of 1971's Death In Venice on television when I was a kid.  I couldn't tell you anything about it then, but remembered the scenes of an older man obsessing over the beautiful young Tadzino, (Björn Andrésen)  I think it struck me as I hadn't seen any scenes like that on film or on television before.  

I watched the film in full about 10 years ago, but it wasn't until after seeing Victim, that I realized that the old man, Gustav, was played by Bogarde.  I previously did a piece on the film, with a focus on the stage and ballet adaptations, on FH HERE:


I thought actor Peter McEnery looked a little familiar when I saw the opening scenes of Victim.  It wasn't until Googling after, I realized he played Mr. Stone in 1970's Entertaining Mr. Stone. I previously featured the film when I did a theme day on the story, and the many actors who played the role. (HERE:)

The Tertiary Component: Skyler & Zachary by Rob Colgan

'My shoot with Skyler and Zachary was basically shot in three parts over the course of a weekend in Indiana.'

Much like people, when it comes to a great photo, the most interesting ones are layered. The main relationship element in photographs is generally the one between the artist and the subject.  When shooting on location, a secondary connection occurs, this time, between the artist and model and the surrounding space.  This is especially evident, when shooting in abandoned and forgotten spaces. 

Utilizing building structures, and within specific rooms, the visual connections are not only with space, but also the structure's history.  The emotional resonance is even stronger when there are two models exploring the space.  I've featured many shoots from photographer Rob Colgan featuring models exploring architecturally unique spaces, but often, they're exploring on their own. One of my favorite stories of Rob's to tell was his visual chronicle with two models exploring an incredible old bank. (HERE:)  

This series also features two models, meaning there's a third connectional component.  The visual layers get even deeper, as during the time of this shoot, models Zachary Tyler and Skyler Ray were a couple.  Although the relationship has transitioned to friendship, both share a mutual passion for their time exploring, creating and working with Rob.

This series is focused on the third part of the weekend that Rob spent working with Zachary and Skyler. Th first part centered on abandonments in Gary,  the second took place at the dunes in Michigan City.  This last series was shot in a unique BnB that Rob found in LaPorte.  Rob loved the space with it's eclectic environment and all the incredible antiques.  Since Skyler and Zachary were dating at the time, Rob suggested using the some of the BnB's spaces to create a more sensual and romantic themed set of imagery. 

'Zachary is a wonderful guy with infectious enthusiasm for most everything. While discussing a possible trip to Gary, I reached out to him. And since it seemed like I would have lots of possible locations with which to experiment, I asked if he knew of anyone else who might like to model... 

It turned out that his boyfriend Skyler was very into urban exploration too! It was a perfect combination.  They both worked beautifully and I think both enjoyed the change in working indoors and in sand. It was an extremely successful weekend.'

Although this marks Skyler's first appearance on FH, this wasn't his first time posing nude, he's been modeling for over four years now.  Many of you may remember Zachary from his previous appearances on FH, including his outdoor Autumn themed shoot that I featured last October. (HERE:)  Both models loved the exploration piece of this shoot, with Zachary describing Gary, Indiana as a creative playground, with so many parts to investigate and enjoy.

'The shoot was so much fun!  Zachary and I had gone down there to take shots in abandoned buildings, but then we took some pics in this gorgeous air BnB! Working with Rob was great! I’ve shot a few times with him now and he always provides a welcoming and safe environment!' 

The chemistry between the two models also led to many different creative ideas.  Zachary shares that some would not have come to life,  if not for his relationship with Skyler, and Rob's collaborative process. For Zachary, shooting with Skyler, someone he was already connected with, added an additional level of excitement and intimacy, one that was unique, and one he hadn't experienced in his previous shoots.

'Working with Skyler not only pushed me to be the best I could be, but it also made the shoot much more meaningful. I feel very privileged to have shared that experience with Skyler and have another model with me in those spaces. 

Being there to capture these scenes with someone as skilled as Rob is also another privilege that I am grateful to have had. Rob always treats his models with the utmost respect, takes care of them during the shoots, and always walks away with amazing shots.'