Tuesday, October 26, 2021

PhotoRSH: That's the Spirit!


'When I saw him many things I thought I had forgotten came flooding back to me.'
James Baldwin

FH readers know I love imagery featuring the male form.  Regular readers are also aware of my passion for holiday themed visuals, especially Halloween themed images.  It's more than just loving shots of naked in men holding pumpkins or sitting under Christmas tree's.  It goes beyond just the model or the props that are used.  The images that I choose to feature, and the artists that I spotlight, are the ones able to capture the spirit and feel of the day.

We all have holiday memories.  Some are good, some are not.  Most of my holiday memories, at least before I turned 10, landed thankfully on the good side.  Even now, I have a vivid imagination.  I think most who check out my blog can see my creative attempts with both story and presentation.  In part, it's my love of story, but quite often, the creative juices are stirred by the feel and memories an images evokes.


I love Halloween.  I loved it as a kid, I love it today.  My memories are of costume parades  at school on the 31st and running home filled with excitement when the bell rang after my final class of the day.  I ran home eager to do my homework, scarf down dinner, put together my costume and then join my friends in making the neighbourhood our Halloween playground.

Where I grew up, it was pitch dark on Halloween by about 6pm.  I loved the sounds, sights and smell of the streets.  In the eighties, those streets were full of kids and their parents, all out with the same purpose.  It wasn't candy for me, that was just a bonus.  For me, it was more about being apart of something special.  Halloween was a time to embrace the odd, the scary, the things we're told not to think about when we're kids.  

In June,  secrets that haunt you are to be hidden.  In July, those scary monsters that hide under your bed are frightening.  In October, we embrace them.  For just one night their power power to haunt us isn't nearly as strong.  We find them exciting and fun.  On October 31st we're not battling those demons alone, we have an army of friends and neighbourhood kids, all with same mission.  On Halloween, we have the power resources to defeat them.


The images created by PhotoRSH are always visually compelling.  The Illinois based photographer constantly creates stunningly dramatic shots showcasing the fit and form of the male physique.  PhotoRSH's use of lighting and pose work exceptionally well for Halloween, especially with the props and fashion he weaves in.

I don't remember any one as hot as Nathan, Riley or Baxter out on those neighbourhood sheets on Halloween.  Where I lived, their mothers would have forced them to put on a winter coat.  But, their work by PhotoRSH do evoke those same feelings of excitement I associate with Halloween. The colors, the darkness and drama and the mystery and eerie eroticism only  Halloween can embody evoke. 

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