Thursday, February 13, 2025

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 14th

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Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

The Bottom Line:

Heartbreaker 💔


To a degree, all holidays are Obligatory, but for me, Valentine's Day is one of the easiest to ignore.  It's a seasonal holiday, mostly aimed at new, and young love, with the commercial aspect of selling cards and chocolate.   That being said, I love Valentine imagery, especially those featuring the nude male form.

Like Halloween, most of us had our Valentine's holiday fun when we were younger.  I know many older people love the day, but for me, Valentine's was a school based holiday, making cards and hearts and sharing Valentines with my class.  I also had a few great ones in my twenties, usually when I was in a new relationship.  That's why I love holiday imagery that in addition to being festive and fun, but also celebratory carnal.  

I've been hoping to feature the work of Man Space Photography for while now, ever since seeing his holiday imagery on Twitter awhile ago.  I especially love his work with Sebastian, who could cause anyone's heart to start throbbing on February 14th, or any other day of the year for that matter.  Hopefully we'll see more Sebastian, and the work of Man Space Photography very soon!

Fwee Carter: The Heart Harmonization ❤️

Nick & Tom

'I think the Valentines shoots are always my favorite holiday to shoot.  It's always a big collaborative effort.  Some of the models really helped, and many had input on what would work best. Some even brought their own props.'


This Valentine's piece started with a bouquet of red balloons.  Not for Valentine's, but for a photo shoot by photographer Richard Rothstein.  For the shoot, model Abel Rey was holding the balloon bouquet high up on a rooftop, (HERE:)  I loved the pop of color in the images, as well as Abel, who I began following on Instagram.  Abel's portfolio was full of colorful, holiday imagery, many taken by New York artist and photographer Fwee Carter.

I quickly clicked follow on Fwee's Instagram page, and instantly fell in love with his work.  Fwee's work captures that youthful wonderment I love so much in visuals and art.  Images that take you back to the days of making Valentines out of construction paper, or scotch taping your decorated brown bag to your desk in elementary school. 

When we were you, holidays were about imagination and fantasy, more than romance and reality. So many photographers of the male form shoot incredibly beautiful and serious imagery, but nude images should also be bawdy and fun. To me, Fwee's work visually harkens back to Vaudeville and burlesque, albeit with more of an erotic edge. 


Inspired by comic books and anime, Fwee shares that he loves incorporating dynamic, cinematic lighting and pop-culture references in his visuals. His goal, to create stunning photos that feel like they were ripped from the pages of a comic book. Beyond the creative collaboration Fwee shares with his models, he strives to ensure his work can be an extension of his personal values. Fwee's approach celebrates diversity, embraces expansive definitions of gender and sexuality and, most importantly, believes all bodies are sexy.

'I always saw how women were constantly being sexualized in photos and in an industry at the time focused on them, I wanted to at first show geeky men can be sexy too! '


Do you remember your first visual inspirations
My first visual Inspirations would have to be Power Rangers and the X-Men animated series. 

Did you initially shoot human models, or did you have another subject in focus? 
I first officially started shooting in high school as part of the school newspaper. I went to school for it but the college didn't even have a photojournalism class but I learned all about lighting products and people. I really just love taking photos of people and capturing their personality in the photos. 


Do you have any memories from your first time shooting a nude model? 
I was so nervous. I always want models to feel comfortable, especially in my space. Thank goodness the model was very open about it and they were really the ones that wanted to do nude photos first. 

Do you prefer working with new models or more experienced models? 
I love all types of models. I actually learn modeling poses so I tend to teach models how to pose and what works with them. I ask them what colors look best on them and what angles work best. If they don't know the answer then we test out different colors and angles to see what works best for them. 

What would you consider your 'best' or favorite memory from a shoot? 
My favorite memory from a shoot was when I was working on my Sexy Nerd Project and the model who was suppose to be Aquaman cancelled last minute. It was about 11:30pm when a model I had just met a week ago offered to come and do it since he lived a few blocks away. He came and the shoot was going great but we were throwing water on the model and it was hard to do that and take the photos. My roommate at the time left her room and I called her over to help out and she gladly helped throw water on a half naked model at midnight. 

What would you consider your worst? 
I think my worst memory was when I was doing a group shoot at a bar before it opened. I had a bunch of models there waiting for their turn, I had someone painting on a model when my camera stopped working. I was freaking out and lucky for me my friend who came to help out told me he found a place to rent a camera quickly so he ran and got it so i could complete the shoot. But because of the delay, two models had to leave. The shoot came out great but I try now to make sure I have backups.


What motivated you to start shooting holidays? 
Honestly I started so I would have content to post for certain months but then it became much more fun and I got more and more props. I would shoot like 4 holidays with one model so i can post them throughout the year. 

If money and time were not factors, do you have a dream scenario you'd love to shoot? 
Oh If that were possible I would be recreating iconic moments from anime and action movies. I'd create a music video type scenario for different models.


12 Days: Robert Buckley in An Unexpected Valentine 💞

A chance encounter on Valentine's Day brings Hannah and Finn together as they race through New York City to return a lost engagement ring and save one couple's special day.

When I first started watching Hallmark holiday films, I used to avoid movies starring Lacey Chabert. I'm not sure why, I don't dislike her, but there was just something that seemed a little overly cheesy about her performances.  I know that's a bit of an oxymoron, given Hallmark movies are at their core a cheesefest.

I soon got over those feelings however, and now really enjoy many of her movies.  I think in part, it's because she works with some really hot men.  If it weren't for Lacy, I would not have been introduced to the ultra hot Ektor Rivera, who I featured, (HERE:) after seeing him surfing it up with Lacy in 2022's Groundswell

Last week, I recorded Lacy's new holiday film, An Unexpected Valentine.  The Valentine theme film featured Lacy and her leading man Finn, played actor Robert Buckley.  I think I've only actually seen Buckley in Hallmark movies.   Although he's been on a number of popular television shows, I mostly know Buckley from images.

I've not seen a second of the short-lived Lipstick Jungle, but I do remember vividly seeing those tabloid shots of a  Robert, only wearing grey gym shorts, playing basketball shirtless.  They were all over the net and in magazines back in 2008, and I think did more for Buckley's career than any of his roles on TV. 

I've since grown to love his Hallmark appearances, his talent, his beauty, and his on-screen charisma. Buckley brings out the best in his co-stars, and has chemistry with almost everyone he shares scenes with.  It doesn't matter whether it's a male, (Jonathan Bennett) or a female co-star, Robert's positive energy is contagious.

Buckley certainly had chemistry with Chabert, and they were great together.  The writing was also great, with a fun banter that helped both actors make a rather week story an enjoyable watch.  The formula is well known to Hallmark movie watchers.  Someone finds a ring, or another piece of jewellery, and make it their goal to reunite it with it's owner.  This usually means partnering up with a stranger so that romance can ensue. 

Seeing Robert again had me thinking it was a good time to search for some of his hottest shirtless scenes.  Given his incredible body, it's not wonder he's been shirtless on screen so much.  Most of these shots are from Lipstick Jungle and Fashion House.

Robert Buckley on Instagram