Lorne Michael is quoted as saying most people love the cast they watched in high school. That cast for me included Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley, Phil Hartman, and in their last season, Dana Carvey and Jan Hooks, Although I loved many of them, I think I watched more SNL the years before when I was in Jr High, and the years after when I was in university.
I started watching SNL because of my older brother. He watched weekly, and when my parents went on Saturday nights, I stayed up and watched with him and his friends until they got home. They usually got home shortly after it started, but I'd seen enough to get a feel for what I missing.
I didn't really starting watching regularly until I was older and started recording the show in the early to mid-nineties. Since then, I've also seen many of the older season thanks to clips on-line, repeats NBC plays early on Saturday evening, and those 'best off' compilations, I used to love to get for Christmas.
The shows producers don't make it easy to see old shows though and are notoriously strict with the sharing of clips. I rarely download torrents, but before I learned how to make caps from my digital recorder, I did for the site. The once and only time I got one of those 'legal' letters, was after downloading an episode of SNL to make caps for a post. I also got a warning on Blogger for a video clip I shared.
Phil Hartman
I think my favorite seasons were maybe the 2008-2010 years when Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler were on their last seasons. They were on enough to cross over a season or two with Kristen Wiig and my infinite love Stefon (Bill Hader). I've had so many favorites over the years, surprisingly, one of my favorite performers on the show was on years before I started watching. I loved seeing old clips of Nora Dunn. I loved her Sweeney Sisters bit with Jan Hooks, but especially loved clips of her Pat Stevens talk sho.
Some of my Favorite SNL Performers include: Aidy Bryant, Cecily Strong, Nora Dunn, Martin Short, Jason Sudeikis, Phil Hartman, Kenan Thompson, Seth Mayers, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Amy Poehler, Molly Shannon, Adam Sandler and Maya Rudolph.
I think one of the reasons so many of us continue to watch, and continue to complain, is because SNL has been part of our lives for so long. Many, like me, began watching with an older sibling, then continued to watch through our school years with our family and friends. I remember many late nights at friends houses, watching before heading home.
We watched on dated, when in University, in relationships, and out. We watched in good times, in times of tragedy, and on lonely Saturday nights at home alone. We watched during transitional periods, one for me, was after a move from home. Alone in a new town, shows like SNL were like comfort food, familiar, and always good if not for a big laugh, at least a smile.
SNL has also had many hot men, and many shirtless sketches over the years. I think one of the most famous is the Chippendales sketch featuring Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze. My favorite all time SNL sketch happens to be a shirtless sketch, but not one done to tweak a sexual nerve. I think I only first saw the Martin Short, Christopher Guest synchronized swimming sketch a few years ago, but don't think I ever laughed so hard at a SNL bit. Neither of these are on Youtube, but I think both are on Social media sites and Vimeo.
Speaking of hot SNL men, I've featured many over the years, most of my favorites have been uncovered on the site. Many also stripped down on screen. Check out my list of SNL male cast members with movie nude scenes in the post below.
Pharoah, Bryant and Killam
Joseph Gordon-Levitt with the cast
Andrew Dismukes
Marcello Hernandez