Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just Because: Health Care

I have been trying to decrease my political rants but... the subject of health care has me very emotional this week. The US is the only industrialized country without universal health care and it sickens me to see all the lies and misinformation being thrown out there to scare those already worried. It is only scaring people needlessly and not providing information so desperately needed.

It sickens me to see people with Health care plans worried about losing things when universal health care is not about them, it is about the millions of people without any. It is shameful it is not already in existence and it is shameful so many are working so hard to ensure the 'have nots' remain so. It will happen eventually, that is inevitable. I just hope it happens now. Some people cannot afford to wait any longer. There really is nothing to fear about universal health care, the real fear truly lies with those without it.


Richard said...

misinformation but who? republicans. they are sending people into the town meeting to get people all mad and not listen to the truth...why can't those dumb f**ks use all their energy for the good of the people

Anonymous said...

Right you are. Universal health care is hardly a new concept. It's been around in Great Britain since WWII as well as many other countries around the world. People complain about the expense and who is going to pay for it. They don't realize we are all already paying for it as evidenced in constantly escalating health care costs. Universal health care focuses on prevention; prevention saves money in the long run. I hope Americans will see the light and realize that "everyone does better when everyone does better."
Instead we hear scare tactics about socialism. What a load of BS!
Everyone should have health care. Period!

Anonymous said...

You are so uninformed about this debacle of health care "reform." It's really health care "control." READ THE PLAN! It will scare you.

Anonymous said...

Uh, if government run healthcare is so great why do citizens in the UK pull their own teeth with pliers since they cant get an appointment with a government dentist or Canadians and Britons flying to the US for surgery?