Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Favorite Pic of the Day for February 28th

JC, Side View
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Seasonal Sightings:

Pass the Buck

Come On Down!!!

I didn't watch a lot of The Price is Right when I was a kid, for some reason I didn't gravitate towards the show.  I do remember watching episodes with Bob Barker on sick days, and during school vacations when I was in school in the late 80's and 90's.   


I think what I remember most, more than Bob, or any of the games, were Barker's beauties.  Holly, Diane and Janice were fixtures throughout the time I watched.   You'd never get away with the name today, or some of the outfits they wore, but as an in the closet gay kid, I love watching the glamourous, long haired beauties, especially during the showcase showdowns. 


I don't think I've ever seen more than a minute or two of the show since Drew Carey took over.  It has nothing to do with Drew, more my level of interest in the show.  I did however, catch the beginning the other day, just the first 10 minutes before I headed out for a meeting. 

 I was initially surprised to see actor James O'Halloran sitting shirtless on a jet ski.  I'd forgotten, I'd featured both James, and fellow Drew Dude, Devin Goda, in posts previously on the site..  James was featured HERE:, and Devin HERE:  Both have shown flashes of their butts, something we sadly won't see on a daytime talk show.

I'm not sure how I would have handled Barker's Boys if there were male models on the show when I used to watch.  As much as I love seeing them now, at the point in time, I really enjoyed seeing three beautiful women on the show.  That being said, if there were male models on the show then, I'm betting they would have worn a speedo now and then instead of the long board shorts they were today.

Below Deck: The Keith Conundrum

'Attractive one day, not attractive the next.'

I know Bravo's Below Deck Sailing Yacht ended a few weeks ago, but I just began watching watching last week.  I'm about eight episodes in, but I'm a little slow.  Tt took me about two or three before finally realizing how hot deckhand Keith Allen is. 

Why did it take me so long, well.... you might understand if you're a fan of the sit-com Seinfeld,  In the season 9 episode titled The Strike, which introduced the world to the holiday, The Festivus, one of the stories involved Jerry with yet another new girlfriend.  The girl appears beautiful one day, then not so beautiful the next. 

It's a great episode, and sort of explains how I initially viewed Keith.  As the season went went on, I find him incredibly hot in every episode, but it took a bit.  In the first few episodes, we saw a lot of Keith in 'confessionals'.  In those clips, he was always well put together, clean shave with his hair straightened and all in place.  

 As the episodes went on, we saw Keith early in the morning, out partying and less put together.  When his hair was not flattened down, and he was more relaxed, he looked really different, and really good!  We also got to see Keith out of his uniform, shirtless, and several times, even without his pants as well.  

I've discussed before about how Below Deck makes it really difficult to see, save and cap nudity.  Most happens in those quick montages they do, usually with the crew getting dressed or undressed, walking up or heading to bed.  Often the nudity happens in those four small boxes they use during the montage scenes.

I managed to catch a few scenes of Keith sliding on, (or pulling down) his undies, during those quick scenes.  There was also a quick scene of him falling out of bed, completely naked!  Although blurred for television, the crew certainly got an eyeful.  In addition to being really hot, Keith also seems like a really nice and kind guy.  Professional, and concerned about his work and fellow crew members.  


I haven't finished the season yet, but right now, I'm glad he sidestepped a relationship with the incredibly needy and immature Danni, who sought attention from almost everyone on the boat with a penis.

JC: Exposure Therapy

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