Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Palm Royale: The Tennis Pro

'Maxine Simmons schemes to secure her seat at America's most exclusive table: Palm Beach high society circa 1969.'

I love everything Kristen Wiig does, from watching her old SNL work on  YouTube, and re-watching Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar, (especially the opening) when I need a laugh and an easy watch.  I'm also really enjoying Wiig in her new Apple TV+ show Palm Royale.  The show has been met with mixed reviews, and in part, for good reason.  There are some weak spots, especially the story, but the actors, and the world created make it more than worth it to this viewer. 

I love the shows visuals, especially the way the 1960's are shown.  I wasn't alive in the 60's, but saw enough of my parents pictures, and enough film and footage from the time, to get a feel for the time and culture.  I also love the cast.  In addition to Wiig, Allison Janney and Leslie Bibb, it's also great seeing Carol Burnett back on TV.  

The weak links to me, are the characters played by Josh Lucas and Laura Dern.  I understand both serve a story purpose, but were both given too much screen time.  I love both actors, but there characters drag down the both the fun, and the pace of the show. It's also great seeing Mindy Cohn and Julia Duffy back and in fine form.  I recently posted about re-watching episodes of both of their 80's sit-coms, and it's hard to fathom why both haven't been back regularly on television since.

I do struggle a little with the depiction of ever character of color so far.  Virginia, (Amber Chardae Robinson) seems 'thrown' in just to have a black character, and really could have been integrated more fully into the story.  Ricky Martin and Jason Canela are stand outs, and both look incredible. I understand that employment was limited for Hispanic men in the 1960's, but even so, it's cringy even looking back at both playing the 'help' at the exclusive Palm Beach club.

That being said, Martin's Robert and Canela's Eddie are two of the smartest characters in the story, using their best assets to further their careers and their bank accounts.  I've been a fan of Canela's since he first seduced Nikki Newman on The Young And The Restless.  The producers at the time brought in a Hispanic family starting with Canela's character.  

The Young & The Restless

I really liked Canela's character Arturo, but sadly audience reaction had them eventually all written off.  The lone exception was actress Shasha Callie, who once the only family member on the canvas, left to take on the role of Supergirl on the big screen.  The show did push them heavily, maybe if they were introduced more slowly, they may have lasted a little longer.

Palm Royale

As the club's tennis pro, we do get to see Canela's Eddie in his tennis shorts quite often, and in his undies and 1960's men swimming 'trunks'.  I was hoping we might actually see a bit more, maybe a little Canela caboose, but I'm not holding my breath.  Usually cable shows air nude scenes in the first episode or two to get a little on-line  promotion and get people watching, but we're four episodes in, so not hopeful they'll be any nudity.  Still, I'll settle for a little Canela in whatever he is, or isn't wearing.

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