Sunday, February 12, 2023

TR Pics: Beating Hearts & Pulsing Parts


'Hi, ma’am. I’d like to buy a box of candy for a girl who doesn’t know I exist. Nothing too expensive, I’ll never have the nerve to give it to her anyway.'
Charlie Brown

I know that Charlie Brown isn't the only guy too shy to express his true feelings at Valentines.  Whether it's a little red-haired girl, or like me, the cute brown-haired guy who stood next to me in choir, some loves, because of time or circumstance, remain sadly unrequited.  

My love of images of the male form however, especially hot holiday images, is something most of you know I don't hide.  I flaunt it in fact, as often as possible.  These are some of my favorite Valentine themed shots that Tom (TR Pics) sent on.  Whether it's Jessie and balloon bouquet, Eduin's box of chocolates, or Edgar in a rose pedal bath. Tom captures so many of the visuals we associate with February 14th.

Although Charlie Brown's love for the little red-haired girl might have made for a painful holiday, for most of us, Valentine's Day is usually a fun, light, and often uneventful holiday without much muss, fuss or drama.  Going with the fun theme, I threw some silly questions to Tom about his holiday imagery, his own Valentine experiences, and his thoughts on the Valentine inclinations of the five models featured this year. 


Do you remember what holiday that first shoot was for?  

Most likely Christmas. That, and Valentine's are the two I shoot for most. Then, the Fourth of July. 

What is your favorite holiday to shoot for? 

I love shooting for Christmas the most, because it's always such a fun, joyous time. Plus there are many aspects to shoot: Santa, Elves, wrapped presents, lights strung around a naked torso... 

Is there a holiday you haven't shot for you might like to try? 

Most of my holiday shoots have been very American-centric. I wouldn't mind shooting holidays for other countries and cultures, mainly because International Men are HOT...! 

Have you ever had a model not want to shoot holiday shots? 

Naw, most go for it. Even if they think it's silly, for a lot of models it's something new and different. 

What has been your most memorable Valentines? 

Honestly, as set of Charlie Brown markers I got when I was in 5th grade. Don't know why I remember them so well, but I loved them -Do you and your Valentine do anything special? We are so cheesy. We always get each other flowers, candy, and a card. SO cliché, but also sweet. 

If you're partner was on board, do you have a celebrity hall pass you'd share a Valentine experience with? 

Oh wow.... so many! Jason Mamoa, Henry Cavill, Hugh Jackman... 


Out of the five guys we've featured, (Eduin, Jessie, Jaime, Gabe and Edgar)  Who do you think... 

Is the most romantic? Eduin 

Would never forget to plan a Special Valentines for their love? Jessie 

Would be up for a Valentines night of Karaoke? Edgar, Jessie... probably Gabe, too. 

Is the best dancer and would want to go dancing to celebrate the holiday? Edgar, without a doubt!

Would make the best Valentine themed dinner? Jaime 

Would want to do something sexually adventurous on the day? Gabe, Jaime 

Would be the most fun to lick melted chocolate hearts off of? All of the above!

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