Friday, February 9, 2024

macpics: The Boy With The Dragon Tattoo

 'Come not between the dragon, and his wrath.'
William Shakespeare, King Lear

The Boy
With the Dragon Tattoo


Luck was certainly on my side when it came to finding imagery for this Lunar New Year, the year of the dragon.  I spent quite a bit of time Googling every combination of hot, nude men and dragons, but with the exception of animation artwork, I wasn't having any luck.   Then, my fortunes changed. 

I was on Instagram messaging Ian from macpics about an unrelated upcoming piece when I noticed the model in his most recent postings.  As beautiful as the model was, it wasn't just his beautiful face and body that had me zooming in.  It was the tattoo on the side of his stomach.  My zooming in confirmed that I had indeed found the boy with a dragon tattoo.  

Drenched Dragon

Ian confirmed the tat was indeed a dragon, and quickly sent me his work with Justin, the model sporting the mythical beast on his lower torso. Unfortunately Ian has lost touch with Justin since they worked together, and didn't have any specific info about why Justin chose a dragon as his choice of body art.  Still, the images were perfect to represent the day, and the characteristics of the dragon male.

Dragon males are usually quite expressive in sexual situations and consider it a further form of personal freedom. To this end they are generally more open to unusual experiences than other signs. It can be very difficult for the male Dragon to find true love as their tremendous egos will usually never be satisfied. 

The Dragon man is known to have an army of admirers yet few if any true friends. He sincerely believes he is infallible and cannot be or do wrong. This may often hold true in life as well as physical ability as Dragon males are naturally unusually strong and athletically gifted. The Dragon man is quite emotional and sentimental with those he cares for. He is very pleasant usually, but even a perceived slight can send him into a terrible rage. The male Dragon will also carry a grudge far longer if not forever against those who cross him. 

Men born under the Chinese sign of the Dragon are aristocratic in appearance. Tall, well built with power muscles and shoulders, they walk slowly and deliberately, never seeming to be in a hurry to do anything. Men of this sign are known to have thick hair, dazzling eyes and long eyelashes, matched with a grin and laugh that allure everyone alike.

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