Monday, March 3, 2025

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 4th

Joe by Studio1x
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~Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

Seasonal Sightings: 🎭

 Catching the Mardi Gras spirit today on FH!

A Flash of Flesh 💥

Beads and bling, it's a Mardi Gras thing!

I'm not sure if the word 'tradition' really fits. I know Mardi Gras organizers certainly don't think so. Flashing a little flesh in exchange for beads and trinkets has become a part of the annual festival, at least a part of the fantasy and lore.

The practice was thought to have started in the 70's, motivated by what else, alcohol.  Since part of the Bourbon Street balcony parade included people throwing beads down to the crowd, it was inevitable someone eventually would have wanted a quid pro quo.

Supposedly started by drunken students, partying on spring break, when one bikini wearing parade goer asked for beads, the drunken frat boy on the balcony asked her to show her breasts first.  So many spring break games involve skin, started primarily, with women showing their boobs.  Like so many customs we love, it would never have happened without DEI.

Frat boys wanted in on the action, not just enjoying seeing skin, but showing a little themselves.  It was too far after that first flash of breasts, that men began unzipping to flash as well.  Most don't actually care, or want the beads, but love any reason or excuse to whip it out and show it off.  No one's complaining, at least not anyone here at FH, or anyone who loves checking out the nude male form.

12 Days: Nicholas D'Agosto in Mardi Gras: Spring Break 🎉

'A group of college buddies sow their wild oats in New Orleans.'

I haven't seen the comedy, Mardi Gras: Spring Break, but I do love me a teen comedy with a nice dose of male skin.  Like most teen romp comedies, the 2011 flick showed a bit of skin from star Carmen Electra and the female cast. It also showed a wee bit of skin from it's male cast including; Bret Harrison, Josh Gad and Nicholas D'Agosto.

I think I first noticed D'Agosto, after seeing the 2009 comedy Fired Up.  I've since followed his many guest appearances and regular television roles.  D'Agosto also had several nude scenes Showtime series, Masters of Sex.


I'll have to check out this film, visually it has all the colors and festivities of Mardi Gras, along with three talented and good looking hunks!  As always, I have to give thanks to xyzpdq, (Scenes from Male Skin) for the clip!  If you see a clip on FH, there's a pretty good chance, xyzpdq was the source!

Life of the Mardi! 👑 Joe by Studio1x

Ain't no Tuesday, like a Fat Tuesday!

I first started spotlighting the work of Jim from Studio1x back in 2016.  In those first few years of featuring Jim's work, one model who popped up several times was the beautiful, and slightly mysterious Joe.  We first saw a bare Joe, no better make that bear Joe, in 2017. (HERE:)  We later saw Joe in one of my first Mardi Gras themed day of post in 2019. (HERE:)

For this year's festivities, I ask Jim about returning to the shoot to see if there new shots that I hadn't used before.  I wanted to return to Jim's shots of Joe as it's one of my favorites.  It also incorporates so many visuals we associate with the Carnival Celebration.   I love the colors, the masks, feathers and beads.  The champagne, the crown and festive feel.

Although many  think of Fat Tuesday, (March 4th) as Mardi Gras, today actually marks the end of the Carnival which officially kicked off on January 6th. Parties and music and food festivals have been on going on over the last two months.  The celebrations culminate with a series of parades in early March, including the Bourbon Street balcony and parade on Tuesday evening. 

Mardi Gras, and New Orleans is another item on my long bucket list.  I visited Louisiana once, about 12 years ago for a work conference.  The conference however, was in Baton Rouge, and although we considered taking a few days to visit New Orleans, it was November, and we decided it would be better to wait in order to Carnaval.   

🎷 Laissez les bons temps! ðŸŽ·

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