Above: Christopher by BAMART.
I often get e-mails from people who enjoy the blog asking ‘Where did you find that guy?’ Well, to be honest, usually it happens, such as it does in life, when I am not looking. Last week when I was researching my post on Nick Ayler I came upon a photographer whose work I have posted about before, the wonderful Richard Gerst. At about the same time I was on the hunt for a pic of the day (sometimes that is the hardest part of the blog). I went to a photographer whose work I enjoy, Tony Jones to see if I could find one. What I did find, in both Richard and Tony’s portfolios’s was Christopher Schram. I was immediately drawn to Christopher. His face is magical expressing both a sense of fun while at the same time a sense of serious maturity. I also loved his freckles. I am sure most people with freckles at one time or another wished they would disappear, and I often wonder if they know how attractive many of those around them think they are.
I was thrilled to click on a link to Christopher’s site and see that he is an actor. I love showcasing actors on FH, especially stage actors that might not be as well known. I have said many times that being a working actor, not to mention actually making a living as one, is not an easy road to go down.
Below: Christopher in Anita Bryant Died For Your Sins.

Christopher received his BA with honors in Theatre from the Conservatory of Performing Arts of Point Park University, in his hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.. On stage Christopher has been in a number of productions including two shows I also appeared in, ‘West Side Story’ and ‘Waiting For Godot’ (wonder if there were as many walk-outs in the production Christopher was in.) In addition, Christopher has had roles in Carousel, A Christmas Carol, You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown and garnered rave reviews for his role in Anita Bryant Died For Your Sins. Christopher also traveled the country in the role of ‘John Darling’ in the National Tour production of Peter Pan.
Below: Christopher in Peter Pan

On tv and on screen Christopher has been featured on The Young And The Restless, Diabolique, The Journey and as well has traveled the globe hosting a travel show. Christopher describes his host job as a ‘dream job’. His latest trip was to South Africa, where he learned to surf and to speak Zulu.
Christopher also worked as a stuntman on The Mothman Prophecies. Of his time on Mothman, Christopher says;
“Mothman Prophecies was a great time. Myself along with 3 or four other actors were on a 40 foot replica of a PA bridge that collapsed I believe sometime in late 80s. The replica was raised about 50 feet in the air and it would turn 45-65 degrees from side to side and up and down. I had to hold on for dear life has fake lamp posts crashed to the ground and sparks flew all around-- really fun and very cool!”
Christopher is about to take on one of his biggest roles in a short film due to start shooting in the next few weeks. The film, Requited is written and directed by Sal Bardo. Christopher plays the lead, Nicholas, who is in love with his best friend Aaron. Aaron however is straight and is getting married. After the two have a falling out, Nicholas has to decide on whether he should go to the wedding and what to say to his best friend if he does. The film is expected to be released in 2011.
On top of all that Christopher is just finishing the final edits of a book and finishing up writing songs for his debut album. Christopher describes his music as folk, pop soul.

Getting back to that question ‘Where did I find that guy?’ I don’t really have an answer, I am just glad I did. When I see a guy that interests me, whose photographs speak to me, whose talent shines through and whom I respect, I want to showcase what I see and share with others. I am certainly happy I stumbled upon Christopher Schram.I hope you have enjoyed getting to know him as well as I did. I am sure I will be seeing, and hopefully hearing the music of Christopher for a long time to come. Be sure to stop by Christopher’s site HERE: to see and learn more about this wonderful and talented guy!

Last two head shots by Marcie Bramucci.
These are two of my favorite shots of Christopher. When I saw them I asked if Marcie was a friend. His reply was yes. I had a feeling by the intimacy I felt in looking at them that there was a high level of trust between photographer and subject. This trust allowed a venerability to shine through.
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