Special shout out to Joe Dallesandro who turns 60 today. Certainly one of the most well known male sex symbols and gay icons of the late 60's and 70's. Currently Joe lives in Hollywood managing a hotel, but his impact on underground films and some of his films were embraced by mainstream audiences. John Walters says of Joe: 'A wonderful actor who forever changed male sexuality on the screen'. Joe has an interesting website with some great info. Check it out HERE:

1 comment:
Джо никога не стана звезда от холивудски тип и смятам, че така е по-добре, защото иначе би загубил статута си на идол на няколко поколения и символ на една култура и епоха, които по своята същност и идеали си останаха дълбоко бунтарски и антиконформистки !
МОЯТ БЛОГ: http://belamielami-djem.blogspot.com
Joe never became a star of the Hollywood type and I think it is better because it would otherwise lose their status of an idol of several generations and a symbol of a culture and era, which by their nature and ideals remain deeply seditious and antikonformistki!
MY BLOG: http://belamielami-djem.blogspot.com
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