Monday, December 16, 2019

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 17th

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Happy Birthday today December 17th

Happy 66th to actor Bill Pullman!

Check out more of today's Birthdays HERE:

A Role in the Snow

I've been a big fan of Mateo Lanzi since first discovering is work a few years ago.  In addition to his hot look, and incredible butt, Mateo puts his all in his work. Recently, Mateo and buddy Gael-Jacob (below) hit the slopes at Hotel Base Camp Lodge located in Bourg-Saint-Maurice in southeastern France.

Mateo braved the wind chill to strip down to his boxers briefs for sexy, but very old roll in the snow!  These are from Mateo's Instagram, but if you haven't check out Mateo's OnlyFans, you should!  Not only does Mateo provide regular, and incredibly hot content, (including collaborations with other models) he's currently running a Christmas special for only $3 for the first month!  check it out HERE:

Scott Wolf: Now & Then

A youth choir director needs to write a big song for a Christmas Eve show. She is distracted from her task when a boy with a golden voice joins her choir, which comes as a surprise to his widowed father.

I didn't watch A Christmas Love Story, but it did grab my attention.  I have a bit of love / annoy relationship with Kristin Chenoweth.  I love her, but she also frequently annoys me on screen.  That being said, I totally respect her and her immense talent.  It wasn't Chenoweth however that drew my interest, it was seeing the older, hotter Scott Wolf.

V (2009)

Scott Wolf is one of those actors I over looked growing up.  I wasn't a huge fan of Party of Five, and when I did watch, my crushes were Matthew Fox and Scott Grimes.  There was something almost too perfect about Wolf, in part maybe due to his resemblance to Tom Cruise, and the fact his character Bailey often annoyed me.  I never really paid much attention to Wolf's carer, he was adorable for sure, but not especially compelling... until recently.

When Wolf posted a shirtless shot (above) to celebrate his 50th birthday, I finally saw the appeal.  Around the same time, I saw him on a talk show, and was impressed with his interview and realized I totally underestimated his talent and career.  I attempted to remedy that by checking out some of his older roles.

White Squall (1996)

Although Wolf had some big roles in White Squall and The Evening Star, one of my favorites roles was his turn int he 1993 film Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde.  Wolf is incredibly hot as Clyde, and is shirtless for much of the film.  Wolf also has a mooning scene (see below) but it's dark, and filmed from a distance.  The movie was released just prior to the debut of Party of Five and showed a side of the actor than I'd seen before.

Thank goodness Hallmark reversed their decision to pull the Zola wedding ads. The decision was was quick and so was the backlash.  The network not only attracts many LBGTQ viewers, it employees many as well.  Although they clearly suck at LBGTQ representation on screen, I've been surprised at how many openly gay actors they hire to play straight in romance movies.

Party of Five (1994-2000)

I decided after Hallmark took the same sex wedding commercials off the air, my time uncovering Hallmark hunks had to come to an end.  Although I'm sure finances had as much to do with reinstating the ads as anything else, but regardless, I'm glad they reversed their decision.  I do enjoy many of their holiday movies, but it's clear for awhile that diversity (sexual, racial and cultural) is certainly lacking.

The Evening Star (1996)

I'm not going to stop featuring Hallmark hunks, but I think I'll slow down, at least for the rest of this year.  There are plenty of holiday hunks beyond the limits of one whitewashed network.  I'm hoping that Hallmark will make some changes before the holidays role around next year.  For now, I'll let the focus be on the tighty whities Wolf sported in the ill conceived The Evening Star. I think we can all agree, despite Wolf in his undies, Terms of Endearment did not require a sequel.

Teenage Bonnie and Klepto Clyde (1993)

Ornamentals by Rmark Photo


'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev'rywhere you go'


Although many Christmas traditions are universal, there is something specifically individual about the way American's decorate for the holidays.  It begins with when...  Some start in mid-November, others wait until after Thanksgiving.  Some wait until mid-December, while I know one family that puts up thier tree on Christmas eve, enjoying it's beautify for a mere 36 hrs before taking it down again on the 26th.


As a kid, I used to bug my mother to let me start decorating as soon I knew I might get a yes.  I learned asking before about December 8th would get an automatic no, but after the 8th, the chances of an yes began to improve. I loved the lights, the glitter and especially the colors.  Our home was was basically blanked in beige, and Christmas was the only time of year that splashes of silver and gold, blue and purple and red and green could be seen, and then felt, in our home.


My favorite ornaments were the Christmas balls.  I love how shiny they were and how glimmered in the light.  I'll never forget one Christmas when the power went out.  Even without the Christmas lights illuminating them, they still managed to glisten through the darkness.


Every Boxing Day, we went to my great aunt and uncles for dinner.  They were not really into Christmas, although did have a tree.  On that three, were those horrible thread balls.  Although they colorful, they lacked the ability to shine or reflect light.  They seemed so sad, so impotent and so joyless.  They were decorations for sure, but unlike the glass Christmas balls, there was nothing magical about them.


Today, although I have my own home, and my mother is no longer with us, I follow her rule.  I decorate early, but just white lights, winter snow globes and pine branches.  The tree, and the glass Christmas balls don't come out until closer to Christmas.  Glass Christmas balls are really the personification of a Christmas ornament.


Although they've changed in size over the years, they're one of the few ornaments that have stood the test of time.  Every year when I take out my decorations, there's usually something I loved from a previous year that now seems dated and gaudy.  Although some years the colors may change, (one year I went all blue, another all gold) those shiny balls have been apart of every Christmas I can remember.


I love that RMark Photo's Roger chose the glass ball to be the constant in this holiday series.  I love how the shiny ornament adds a splash of festive color, especially in front of the dark background. To do a holiday series with many different models, planning became important.  Roger planned his theme months ago, when visions of beach days, not sugarplums, were dancing in people's heads. 


With planning, Roger could pull out the ornaments whenever he had a new model in the studio, and use different colors and try different poses to ensure each shot was unique.  Regular readers may recognize some of the models, I've been fortunate to feature Roger's work with Jack, Shane and Elo previously on FH.  Some of the others models, I hope to share more of in the future.
