Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Fantasy: New Year's Eve, 1948

Special Holiday Issue:
January, 1978
Photography by David Meyer

11:33 p.m:  It's New Year's Eve, and what a lark!  We're stealing off from Mumsy's ball, Just me and Paul and jack, in Dad's new Cadillac.  We'll park on Lookout Hill, Just me and Jack and Paul, to watch the full moon rise, and see the old year fall.

11:58 p.m:  You've brought the champagne.  I say, what fun!  What's better than a Pol Roger or is this Moet and Chandon?

1:07 a.m:  I don't suppose another hour would do us any harm.  It's long very past Auld Lang Syne...

2.12 a.m:  Dear Paul, you seem so pale, so wan.  Your hand is trembling and your smile which seldom fails, is almost gone.  Perhaps you need some air my dear?  Why don't you sit up front awhile.  And Jack?  I've got a good idea, why don't you sit beside me here?

It always feels like... somebody's watchin me...

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