Thursday, September 5, 2024

Frisky Frolic: Scholastic!

'In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.'
Phil Collins

Although many headed back to class already, for most, this first week of September marks the start of the school year.  Although many celebrate January 1st as the beginning of the year, I always felt my year started when school did.  New clothes, new friends, new experiences and so many new things to experience and learn.  JayBee from Frisky Frolic has always captured the scholastic experience with skill and erotic eagerness.  

Over the years I've featured many of JayBee's school themed shoots from hot, naked teachers, to bad report cards through coaches getting stripped and thrown in the shower by their team.  This September, I found an old shoot JayBee shared that I hadn't shared before.  Check out a  pledge week game of naked beer pong, and other back to school themed posts on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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