Jack Diesel by Manuscript Photography

I have been enjoying all the latest work from my friend at Manuscript Photography. In the last 12 months his portfolio has grown as an incredible showcase for his talent. Jack Diesel was shot by Manuscript Photography last fall and I am happy to be able to share the results. As you can see, there is something about Jack that the camera just loves!

'I drove up to his place in upstate New York near the Catskills without much of an idea what we would shoot. But when I saw the old tool shed behind his house, I knew we had a great location to work in. Jack has a lot of experience modeling and knew how to deliver the shots I wanted. His look is masculine and rugged, but he is a very easy-going guy. He's been one of the most popular of the models I've worked with.'
Manuscript Photography

Manuscript Photography on ModelMayhem
WOW!!!!! Thank you!
Jack's ass is a work of art. Just breath-taking. I need some water here!
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