'She had made them a promise, a promise I would have to keep. And their stories kept coming, day after day, night after night. She kept me locked in the estate she bought with all the money she made from her books, reading my skin.'

Jonas Armstrong (2009)

Irish actor Jonas Armstrong first took on the role of Simon in the 2009 adaptation of the Clive Barker series Book of Blood. Until hearing about the recent version, I hadn't heard of Jonas before, but after checking out his role in Books, I wanted to learn more.

Armstrong has been acting since the early 2000's starting with roles on British television in productions including; Teachers, Robin Hood and Prisoner's Wives. If you check out the 2009 version of the story, you'll see Armstrong shows a wee bit more skin than what's shown in the recent version. The character also seems to have been given a bit more emphasis than the Hulu vision of the story.

Ravi Gavron 2020
Although filmed in Nova Scotia Canada, the 2020 Hulu production of Books of Blood also starred a European actor, this time, London born Rafi Gavron. Rafi's mostly worked in the US with roles on television including the shows; 24, CSI: Miami and Parenthood. Rafi also appeared in last years big screen adaption of A Star Is Born and in the recent adaptation of Catch-22.
Dressed to Kilt Fashion Show

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