Friday, January 1, 2021

The Naked Shepherd

'The closer we are to the Shepherd, The safer we are from the wolves.'

I've written before about my love of calendars, especially when I was growing up.  Before the Internet and digital took off, paper calendars were mandatory Christmas gifts, both to give and to get. I used to love going to the mall when the book stores and calendar kiosks were full with the new stock of plastic covered new calendars. 

Although I loved sneaking a peak at the calendars focused on the male form, I was too scared to actually buy any back then.  I usually stuck to film and TV show calendars, and calendars with killer whales and dolphins.  Although calendars aren't nearly as popular as they once were, I still buy a couple every year.  My tastes have matured slightly, with one being a calendar focused on the four seasons.  The second was a calendar featuring the animals from the Crouton Crew that I enjoy watching getting their nightly checks on Twitter. 

Regular FH readers know that most of my recent calendar related posts are thanks to DC poster MichaelAndrews73a and his incredible collection of Naked Calendar Men on Reddit. (HERE:) Since January 1st is the day many of us put up our calendars, I thought I'd share a recent favorite.  Although there's not really a lot of naked in the The Naked Shepherd calendar, I still love the images and the natural sexiness of the shepherds posing.  There is a wee bit more naked int he video. (also thanks to Michael) The clip below is from Jamie & Jimmy's Food Fight Club who profiled the calendar back in 2018.

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