Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Colors, The Country, The Culture: Edgar by TR Pics

'If I have the time to celebrate anything I always take it. This year however,  I joined my friends to the St. Patrick's Day parade and celebrated with them.'

I first introduced FH readers to model and entertainer Edgar Solomon this past February 14th. (HERE:)   Photographer Tom Rubeck, (TR Pics) had shot and shared some Valentines' themed imagery, and included shots from his work with Edgar.  I was immediately struck by Edgar's handsome face and sultry eyes.  If you saw the piece, I'm sure you also noted Edgar's incredible body, obviously built by a passion for fitness.  

In some of Tom's shots, Edgar's physique, and his striking poses, were reminiscent of those classic statues depicting the perfect bodies of a Greek God.  Tom's shares that Edgar is indeed a stickler with his fitness routine, and that Greek God physique has attracted a following from clothing and underwear manufactures who frequently send him on underwear to wear and promote.  When Tom told me he was had an upcoming shoot with Edgar, I was thrilled when he suggested creating St. Patrick's Day themed images to share to on the site.

Tom quickly headed to Amazon and purchased a whole slew of fun outfits and hats for Edgar to wear.  Shooting for holiday wasn't an issue for Edgar, in fact, it fit perfectly with the creative direction he wants to take with imagery and his Onlyfans.  Not long ago, Edgar decided to jump into the content creation industry full time, this meant for Edgar, getting even more creative with his photoshoots and videos with a variety of different creative themes.

'Before focusing on content creation full time, my work was pretty much all over the place, but when Tom suggested to start throwing themes, it immediately came to my mind holidays. At the end, there’s all types of holidays all year round. Meaning, the creativity can turn endless.' 

FH viewers know full well how much I love themed imagery, especially around the holidays. I love that Edgar is working with Tom to push the creativity quota with his shoots and content.  So many on OF rely strictly on self-shots, missing out on the colorful and unique imagery that can come from a themed shoot and a creative collaboration.  Audiences on-line are always looking for something different, and not the same visuals over and over, 

Although shooting holiday themed imagery is something Edgar loves to do, he did pause before putting on the green hat and skimpy undies for a St. Patrick's Day shoot. With his Latin heritage, and having grown up in Mexico City, this would be his first time doing something special to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  I am not Irish either, but have always appreciated how St Patrick's Day provides an opportunity to learn about the country and the culture.  It was through this lens, that also had Edgar jumping on board.

'Was it hard for me to do the photoshoot? Well I am not going to lie. The term “cultural appropriation” came to my mind many times, as again, I’m a Latino doing a photoshoot of a holiday with Caucasian roots, however, the celebration of the opportunity to embrace other cultures in this country and the mixture of nationalities and the opportunity to be part of that mixture replaced all negative thoughts.

I was able to pose without a problem! In my mind I kept thinking of the colors, the country, the culture and the holiday itself and the representation of it. I had a great time!  For me in every shoot what stands out the most, is the message we’re trying to put out there. In this case it I made it a goal to show people that this country is giving us the opportunity to embrace cultures from around the world and even celebrate it in the art form. '

Tom and Edgar shot tons of hot images, many of which Edgar is planning on sharing on his OnlyFans. Tom also shares that after the shoot, things got even hotter as they shot a video segment exclusively for Edgar's OF.  Edgar tells me that he's planning on releasing the video to celebrate on the 17th to celebrate the holiday and the shoot.  Be sure to check it out HERE:

Edgar on OnlyFans

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