Thursday, March 16, 2023

Aidan Gillen: An Irelander in West Westeros

'We both peddle fantasies…mine just happen to be entertaining.'
Petyr Baelish

Every year, I look for a Irish movie or actor to feature on St. Patrick's Day.  This year, I didn't really have to look to hard, as the choice was right in front of me.  A few months ago, my brother told me that he was finally starting to watch Game of Thrones.  I'd been trying to get him watch for years, and he finally caved.  Every time we talked on the phone after that, he would share what scenes and characters from the show he really was into. 

His comments had me wanting to re-watch the show, but wasn't sure I was up for watching the entire series again.  I started with the pilot, and first couple of episodes, then skipped ahead to the end of middle of season 2.  Whenever you re-watch something, you often see things differently, and this was certainly the case for me.   During the original run, I loved Aidan Gillen's portrayal Petyr Baelish, (Littlefinger) but really just saw him as one dimensional villain, slimy and creepy, but devilishly fun to watch.

During my second watch, I also noticed Gillen's sex appeal, and during this viewing, was wishing the show had given Petyr a nude scene.  I guess it wouldn't really have fit that well with the character, Petyr's loved from afar, and his relationships with everyone, especially women, were toxic and perverse. 

I did have to search to see if Gillen had unveiled his little finger in any other projects and roles.  This is when I discovered that I'd actually seen that not-so-little finger before.  I can't believe I didn't connect that  Gillen was the same actor I used to watch on the original UK version of Queer As Folk.  I'm sure this is a 'duh' to many of you, but I never made the connection while watching Game of Thrones. 

Queer As Folk (1999)

The Dublin born actor played Stuart, the 'Brian' character in the UK version.  If you remember the pilot, you'll remember there were quite a few hot scenes between Stuart (Brian) and Nathan. (Justin in the US version.)   I've seen the scene between Stuart and Nathan many times, but I may have had tunnel vision as I was previously focused on Nathan who was played by actor Charlie Hunnam.

A Google search however, quickly had me seeing that Gillen's sex scenes in Queer As Folk were not the only time he was nude on-screen.  In fact, there were two other early roles which actually showed more.  Check them out on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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