Tuesday, February 13, 2024

TR Pics: Poked 💘


'Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps...'

When most of us think of Cupid, we think of an adorable little baby shooting little darts, 🏹 poking unsuspecting sets of lovers with his passion infused arrow. It's all really sweet and innocent, but it's not really how Cupid, or the practice of poking began.

The original Cupid was more of a heartthrob than a cherub.  Going way back to 700 BC, the roman God Cupid.  Cupid's mother was Venus, the Goddess of Love.  Cupid however, is also connected to Greek Mythology, and a counterpart to Eros, the son of Aphrodite, the Goddess love.  The name Eros is the origin for Erotic, and Cupid did more than just cause love, and romantic connections.  History tells us, he mission was far more connected to sex and desire than love.


Cupid had a wild side, not to mention a mind for mischief.  He enjoying toying with those he poked with his arrows, causing mayhem, and playing with the hearts and emotions of both Gods and mortals alike.  Cupid wasn't really considered cute, but more handsome, sexy and threatening.  Although we joke about getting poked by Cupid's arrow, we all know that power can corrupt, and Cupid's power was something many people feared.  We all want to fall in love, but most of us don't give the power to choose who we love to another, especially a spoiled rich kid of a Goddess. 

This year, Tom from TR Pics, choose two models to depict the two sides of the Roman God of love, desire, sex and attraction.  Both embody traits of arrow slinging God, and most I'm sure, would welcome a little poke from either or both.  FH readers know Jessie well, from his very popular previous appearances on the site. Viewers were also recently introduced to Phanny, whose work with Tom I recently featured to celebrate Lunar New Year.  Chose your cherub, strike a pose, then prepare to be poked!  You can also check out more of Tom's work, and more Valentine themed posts on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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