Thursday, May 16, 2024

Mark Hamill in Black Magic Woman

'The owner of a suburban art gallery searches for someone to perform an exorcism after a witch casts a spell on him.'

I was still a baby when the Star Wars trilogy was first released.  I did get caught up in the magic when I got older.  I watched them all with my family on VHS, and saw them again on the big screen when they were rereleased in 1997.  

I already loved the movies, with my crush on Luke firmly in place.  Watching them again on the big screen, and hearing the booming sound effects, only boosted my love of the movies, and of actor Mark Hamill.  Luke is a bit of an underrated hero in a world, and a movie, with so many other stand out actors and characters. 

This past March, I featured both Mark and actor Harrison Ford during my FH Oscar celebrations.  Neither actor had what I would an 'official' nude scene, but both did show a bit of skin over the course of their long careers. 

 In one of the posts, (HERE:) I included caps and a clip from Mark's appearance in the 1991 thriller, Black Magic Woman.  At the time, I couldn't find a decent copy of the film and the images I included were a little fuzzy and grainy.  I've since found a decent copy and thought I'd share some clearer caps, and another video clip. 

You can download the clip above on SendSpace HERE:

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