Monday, February 13, 2023

Fotorebelxt Photography: Heart Stricken

Valentines is such an odd little holiday. In general, holidays seem at their core, a way to bring people together.  For many however, they end up doing the opposite.  'Together' days are always difficult on the single, the ill and the lonely. Valentine's Day can be fun and romantic, or like salt, on a festering wound. 

When you're a kid, eating chocolate and giving cards to your homeroom class seems pretty harmless, but as you get older, Valentines can take on a nasty edge. I remember some incredible February 14th's when I was in my late teens and through my 20's. Romantic dinners, wine, flowers and chocolate, love, sex, the whole nine yards. 

I also remember a few that had me wanting to jump off a cliff. Painful Break-ups, relationships ending. Unrequited love, especially when you're young, can make February 14th a painful pit of sorrow Getting older doesn't mean the pain of a break-up is any easier, but most of us have toughened up a bit. Regardless of what you may be going through,  this year, try just enjoy the food, eat the candy, and of course, enjoy the wine. Happy Valentines to All!

When I was looking for images for this year's Valentine's posts, I headed to straight to Fotorebelxt Photography and photographer Alwin's Flickr page.  I've been featuring Alwin's work for over 10 years now, and whenever I return to his extensive portfolio, there's always new images that I discover and love, and of course, want to share on FH.

When I featured Alwin's work with model, and Below Deck's David Bradberry back in 2021, (HERE:) I noticed that Alwin had a great selection of Valentine themed imagery, some, with models I've had the pleasure of featuring before.  These are some of my favorites.  Check out my previous pieces featuring Alwin's work on FH HERE:

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