Saturday, May 18, 2024

Late Arrival:

I was late boarding the St. David this year, and late to watching the current season of Below Deck.  Usually I look forward to it's premiere, but for some reason I missed out that it was on until a few weeks ago.  With just a couple of episodes left in the season, I've finally caught up with the drama and this seasons crop of hot deckhands. 

Kyle & Ben

This year, The St. David is sailing around Grenada and the sites are spectacular as always.  The deckhands however, have been confusing me a bit.  Last season, I crushed over Ben Willoughby, and even posted about him last year. (HERE:)  This season, Ben is annoying the shit out of me, and his attempt at being a player if falling flat.  Maybe it was just as bad last season and I didn't notice it, but it's crystal clear this season.


I should be lusting after deck hand Dylan Pierre De Villiers, he checks many of the boxes.  Beautiful to look at, has done some modeling, even posed nude for Yummyzine.  Dylan is just so odd, it's hard to get on board.  I think as hot as he is, he's a little insecure, which might account for his overly positive persona. 

The hottest deckhand for me this year has to be Kyle Stillie. I barely noticed Kyle in the first couple of episodes, but his sweet personality and hot bod quickly won me over.  Kyle also likes to be naked, a lot!  Check out some of his naked highlights on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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