Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sunday's With Hans: Matthew


FH readers are well aware how much I love the work of New York based artist Hans Fahrmeyer. When I first got on-line, Hans' dynamic and colorful imagery were some of the first images that grabbed my attention and had me seeking out more about the artist and his work. Hans' work combines a visual force and erotic energy that's both artistic and bold.

When I first began featuring his work on a regular basis with Sunday's With Hans, Hans sent on a mixture of model focused and themed pieces featuring different concepts he explored through his work. Throughout the many themes I featured, I was introduced to hundreds of the models Hans shot with just one image or two he sent on to fit the subjecxt at hand. Many of those models stood out to me, and many I wanted to see more.

One of those models was Matthew, I think first appeared on FH back in January of 2010 in a piece entitled New Years Resolution. The focus was smoking, something many have on their resolution list, sometimes year after year. Although we all know how bad smoking is for us, there can a beauty in the visual look of smoke floating in the air, the color iridescence and atmosphere created.

One of the models blowing smoke into the air was Matthew, and there was something about him that had me asking Hans to see more of. I loved his look, maybe especially his hair, as his bangs were so such a big part of his personality and overall look. Matthew has beautiful eyes and a great face, and his bangs are such an important part of how his face is framed and seen.

You can tell Hans also had those beautiful bangs in mind with pose and the angles in which he capture Matthew, especially in the shot just above as Matthew's eyes peak out just under his bang for a sensual glance at the camera as he's disrobing.  If you want to check out a few more shots of Matthew, this time after a haircut, without the bangs, check out PAGE 2 HERE:

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