Friday, September 13, 2024

Suddenly Everywhere...

I first saw, and heard musician Benson Boone a few years ago.  I think the first song I heard, and still one of my favorites, was In The Stars.  I really loved his voice, and certainly thought he had a unique sexual edge and appeal.

This past week however, Benson seemed to be EVERYWHERE!  On sites and on social media.  Maybe it was his appearance on the VMA's, or maybe it was the shots of him in his stars and stripes undies that he posted on his Instagram....

Regardless of why, it's nice to see this talented singer get his due, and get some appreciation for his body of work.  I'd love however, to see him stripped down even more.  Not necessary out of his undies, but I'd love to see his bare upper lip, stripped of his mustache.  I like it, but whenever I see a hottie with a stach, I fantasize about shaving it off...

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