Saturday, July 27, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 28th


Happy Birthday today July 28th

Happy 39th to actor Dustin Milligan!

Check out more of Dustin on FH HERE:
& More of today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:

Dustin's character Ted was one of my favorite characters on Schitt's Creek.  I just wish he was written more for in the shows last couple of seasons.  I missed my Ted, especially in scenes like the one below.

Seasonal Sightings:

When I posted about the British Olympic Diving team the other day, I wasn't aware that one of it's members had an OnlyFans.  Since then, I've jumped in and joined diver Noah Williams page (HERE:)  Love these shots of Noah and teammate Jack Laugher

First Gentlemen

Although I try not to get 'too' political on FH, most regular readers know I loath the orange idiot.  I've always hated cruelty, and it runs through his veins and explodes out of his mouth like no other.  In my opinion, he's done more damage to the country, and the world, than any other American in history than I can think of.

That's why like so many, I'm so thrilled at the energy, light and hope in the candidacy of Kamala Harris.  Kamala and her Presidential run have also energized the Internet.  I especially loved her TikTock with Lance Bass, perfection.  Also getting a lot of attention is Kamala's husband Doug Emhoff

I'm sure many on the far right could not admit it, but there's never been a more powerful version of masculinity than watching Emhoff support and campaign for his wife.  Sadly, few men could take the back seat to a woman seeking one of the most powerful positions in the world but Doug, he does it with grace and ease. 

He also does it with incredible love, something we don't see on the orange side of things.  It's clear the orange one's wife can't stand him, and her appearance at the Republican convention negotiated so she was on screen with him for the balloon drop only.  There are countless videos of her literally coiling in disgust when he tries to touch her.

That makes seeing the love between Doug and Kamala even more powerful to watch.  It also increases Emhoff's appeal even sexier and enjoyable to watch.  Those shots of him when he was younger were all over the social media last week, and seeing them as a young couple makes so much beautiful sense.  Young Doug, and now Doug are both hot, and he's also a big ally of the LBGTQ community.  Love that he and Chasten Buttigieg are doing a campaign event together on Fire Island on August 2nd.   The orange one and either of his last two running mates wouldn't bother, nor dare, head to Fire Island to campaign, they know exactly the reception they'd receive. 

Dating mit nacktem Deutschland

Mein Sixpack!

Germany's Dating Naked is of course, in German, so 'My Sixpack' was pretty much the only phrase I understood when Thiemo was speaking in his intro package.  That doesn't mean it's difficult to watch. There are a few English words thrown in now and then, and 'shit' and 'Oh my God' seem pretty universal.  The body language, music and tone of the announcer also help to let those of us who don't understand fluent German to have a pretty good idea of what's going on.  You can check out Thiemo's introduction, and a tour of the house in the video below.

I believe the show has been for about six weeks, and although you can't watch them on television, if you search your favorite forms focused on the male form, some generous posters have shared the links to download them.  I wasn't initially going to watch, but downloaded the first episode on the weekend and was instantly hooked. 

The show introduces the two main contestants, Thiemo and Valeria.  Both are beautiful, and both, completely naked of course.  We're then joined by 5 more men and 5 more women.  At first I wasn't sure any of the other five men could rival my crush on Thiemo, but first impressions can be deceiving...

I tend to be visually put off by a heavily tattooed body, at least initially.  That quickly disappears however, once you get to know someone, and go beyond just the surface.  Like in real life, a great body is nice, but it's appeal can also quickly dwindle.  I still think Thiemo is hot, especially his smile, and his cute little butt, but his player side came quickly into focus.

Thiemo made not bones about wanting to get to know most of the females in the group, except maybe Valeria, who I didn't see him gravitate to in the first episode.   I wasn't sure that Dating Naked Germany did any 'burring', but when Thiemo showered with the beautiful Venance, his erection was most definitely blurred.

I naively though Thiemo was attracted to Venance, and they would an early couple.  Nope.  Although he clearly thinks she's attractive, by the end of episode one, he kissed and fooled around with most of the other women.  He especially seemed drawn the beautiful, a huge breasts belonging to Costina.  I can fully understand, they are something, I would have sped time cupping and holding them myself.

My crush on Thiemo did begin to diminish a little by the end of episode 1, but I reserve judgement on him, and the other guys, until I watch at least another episode or two.  I did add an image of their introduction, at the end of the post.

The other five hotties enter the chat....