Thursday, March 9, 2023

The Grabbys!

If you're not into the Oscar's, but are still up for an award, there might be another competition you rather vote for an watch.  Just as it's Oscar season, it's also the season for Grabbys.  Celebrating the adult film industry, the prestigious award is set to be given out at the Metro Theatre in Chicago at the end of May.

There are plenty of categories that mirror the Academy Awards, like best actor, best supporting actor, best director and film.  The Grabbys however, also include categories you certainly won't see given out on the stage or Dolby Theatre.  It would be fun however, to see Denzel Washington and Dame Judi Dench Hottest hand out the awards for Hottest wink, Hottest Top & Bottom. Best Duo & Threeway and Hottest Cock.  I'm guessing Judi would be game!

There are several nominee's this year who've been featured on FH including Sergey, Devin Franco and Ethan Tate.  If you're interested, you can have your vote counted by heading to the Grabbys site  (HERE:) and showing a little love to your favorite's!

Devin Franco (alongside Yorgen) by Gordon Nebeker

Sergey by Richard Rothstein 

Ethan Tate by Michael von Redlich

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