Thursday, September 26, 2024

Saki: A Routinely Rapturous Ritual

 'Let's take a love bath baby Put some water in the tub and do the body rub.'
Smokey Robinson

Although Saki and Laurent are not a couple, they did explore that classic question that so many couples ask, bath or shower?  We all know there are bath people and there are shower people.  Showers are quicker, easier, something most of us do with haste before work.  Baths require more planning, more time and patience, and are often reserved for the evening.

It all comes down to circumstance however.  One of my first apartment was in an remodeled old Victorian home.  The bathrooms were small, and each had an old fashioned freestanding cast iron tub.  When I signed my lease, I loved the tub, the look, it's legs and the depth.  When rushing in morning however, it was a pain waiting for the water to fill, and the shower hose attachment didn't really help.  It ended up making more of a mess, erasing any time it might have saved.

But... when I had time, especially after a hard long day, it was physically rewarding slipping in a deep, hot tub of water.   I tended to do a lot 'thinking' in the shower, usually in the morning, planning my day.  I did a lot 'plotting', planning how I might have a difficult confrontation, or thinking of just the right words to let my boss or a co-worker know how I felt about an issue.

When it came to taking a bath, thinking was the last thing on my mind.  I usually played music, or meditated, thinking, plotting and planning was certainly not part of the process.  The goal was just the opposite, to remove all thoughts, especially negative and stressful thoughts, completely out of my mind and body.

The goal of both a bath or a shower however, is to cleanse.  Your body sure, but your mind, spirit and soul as well.  There are many moments  over the course of the year that we use to re-set. From  big ones, like the start of the year on January 1st, to the turning over the calendar each month.  Cleansing however, no matter where you do it, is one of those daily opportunities to wash away the last 12 or 24 hours, and start anew.  It can also be incredibly heartening as well, to watch the filth you've been caring around, both physically and emotionally, but sucked down the drain and taken far, far away.

I don't think Saki the model was too worried about washing much away during this particular bath, in fact, I think he may have been preparing for a sensual night away from home.  These shots, were actually taken by Saki's boyfriend in an elegant guestroom.  Saki's bath, and the shoot, took place while both were vacationing at the Casa Howard in Florence Italy. 

The tub looks exactly like the cast iron tub I used to have in that first apartment, although the shower attachment Saki is using looks much nicer, and professionally attached.  Mine was just a hose, and was difficult to fit, and attached with a bit duct tape.  Saki's bath looks much more relaxing and sensual, than those many baths I rushed through before heading out the door to work.

Although not taken at the same location, given the theme of  'the daily lives of a gay couple', I did want to add one shot of Saki with Laurent together. (below)  The shot below was taken after Laurent's shower, and weeks before Saki's sensual soak. 

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