I try to limit using shots on FH by Rick Day. I do this because as I have said before, Day's work is riddled throughout the blogosphere far too haphazardly. Rick's work is distinct, powerful and to me represents men owing their sexuality.
Because Day's work is everywhere it is far too easy to have it's impact diluted, missing the talent, hard work and passion behind it. Day's studio may be a well oiled machine but that is because Day knows exactly what he wants.
Pioneers is an apt title for Day's second book. Published by international publisher Bruno Gmünder Pioneers takes Day and many of his subjects out of the studio, outdoors, to the sea, into the mountains and on the meadow.
Rick Day is without a doubt a pioneer himself in the art shooting men. When I first got online in the early 90's I was in my late teens. Most of the photos on the net at that time were what I call 'misrepresentations'. I say this because company's like A & F knew that erotic images of men helped sell their product but were still pretending they were advertising to women. They knew of course women were not the main audience that were interested in the photos, catalogs and clothes.
Day was one of a few who changed this by directly targeting the male audience and presenting strong men, sexuality aside, photographed, without pretense for others to enjoy. Women without a doubt love Day's work as well but it is the men, both in front of the camera and who enjoy Day's work who have gained strength and power through his lens. I still struggle with photographers who shoot men, especially naked men and want you to pretend that your looking at a flower or a puppy. With Day the whats and the whys are refreshingly clear.
Choosing Joseph Sayers as the cover model was a great choice. If Day was a pioneer with photography, Sayers certainly was as a model. This one time A & F model has gone through many challenges in the past decade and transformed from someone whose images were controlled by others to taking the reigns of his own career.
Day's book should be available about the first of October and you can pre-order Pioneers at Amazon HERE:
I had hoped to snag an interview with Day one day but one of my favorite sites, BeautifulMag posted an outstanding earlier this month. Check it out HERE:

damn that man is super hot ;)
he is soo hot; wish he lowered those pants a bit more :)
Ordered today!!!!
Thanks Tye
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