Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Favorites: Chuck Bilgrien

Chuck by Natasha Killeen

I first noticed model Chuck Bilgrien awhile ago after seeing an image that someone posted on Instagram.   I saved the shot, but forgotten about it, and then lost it when I had had some recent issues with my computer.

Chuck by Pat Supsiri

Last month however, when featuring model and photographer Diego Villarreal, I again was reacquainted with Chuck and his imagery.  Diego had shot a behind the scenes shot of Chuck, (HERE:) and although it wasn't credited, I recognized the face, and after a little Googling, I knew where I'd seen it before.  This time, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to feature more of Chuck's work.

Chuck by Mario Testino

Chuck by zoomschwarz

Next 2 shots by Greg Gorman
Above: Chuck and Grace Jones for Dust Magazine

Last 3 shots by Bell Soto

1 comment:

Vera said...

Chuck Bilgrien, you are superb, so beautiful, a real beauty.