I don't watch The Talk. I wrote back in September that I had watched a handful of episodes last year but between it's cold sacking of two of it's hosts and it's....well...the usual crapfest it's hour ends up being I decided life was too short to add it to my DVR list.
But...earlier this week as I was running around getting ready for work when I see a commercial for the guest co-hosts for the week. For some reason Sharon Osbourne seems to be granted a huge amount of time off. (I sort of think much like HRP's recent appearance on CBS it is too keep her quiet). Among the guest hosts advertised were Henry Winkler (seen below) and that 'celebrity' blogger I find so distasteful. His site was actually one of the reasons FH took the tone it initially did. His hate filled site is so vile to me I cannot stand to watch him on anything. I am not the least bit convinced he has changed a bit, only bending to meet the money. It annoys the shit out of me when any show brings him on as a guest, but bringing him on as a guest host,giving him attention only spotlights exactly what I hate about the media, show business and human nature in general.

I don't care for "that" blogger either. Definitely like the tone of this blog and that's why I frequent it often.
You know, you've made a good point in regard to Sharon O. having the option to come and go as she pleases. I always wondered why she was given such a privilege especially after them silently getting rid of two of the main hosts. But as the saying goes, "What's in the dark, will surely come to light"
Would you be so kind as to point me to the blog that you say is so hateful. I am one of those people who like to check such things for themselves.
That other blogger/Hatemonger sets gay rights/equality or whatever the "p.c." term is,back to the ice age every time he opens his mouth.So now he's managed to become as "famous" as the celebrities he so loves to attack,he's decided to "nice up his image" and pretend he isn't disgusting as ever? Sadly he isn't to blame....in the days of a sex tape making you a "star" and getting arrested for just about anything means getting a shot at your own reality show,he just gives 'em what they want.I guess we should just be happy we don't have to watch Gladiators fending off lions these days....or is that the next reality craze coming in 2012? Regarding your earlier post.....ah for the silence.....
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