Friday, October 12, 2012


The American political system really needs a shake-up. I admittedly have no solutions but the current two party system only seems to reinforce so many things both sides claim not to want. It promotes divisiveness, negativity and even hate. We are taught in school there are always three sides to a story, mine, yours and the truth, yet in politics it always comes down to just yours or mine.

A yours or mine mentality never works, there is always a winner, always a loser. Always a fight, always a battle, always a war.

The truth of last nights debate is that both men did well, that is what made it so watchable. It was depressing seeing both sides not only claiming victory but bashing the other side. Yes Joe was arrogant and interrupted far too often, but also a master with facts and knowledge, strong and solid in contrast to the President last week. Ryan held his own and did not react to Joe's patronizing but was also condescending, his attempt though, bringing up Joe's son in the military, were annoying and generally fell flat.

Last night, in person with the people I was with and when logging on to facebook, it was clear that what side you were on dictated your reaction and feelings on what you saw. I saw very little support for one side or another, I saw disdain and the need to hate on whomever was on the other side. Joe Biden and Paul Ryan and each of their family members ended the hour and a half embarrassing and engaging with one another. I respect both for the respect they showed the process and their supporters. It is too bad many of their supporters don't seem capable of doing the same.

Although not as thrilled with Martha as many seemed to be I did quite like her last question about whether either candidate felt embarrassed of the negativity within the campaign. After taking the last hour and half to side step direct answers and bash the campaigns of the other, neither man really answered, nor really could answer the question. Ryan mocked Joe's saying things he may not have meant, Joe mocking Ryan about not being Jack (or JFKjr, below) for that matter) neither could really take the high road when both of their parties have are speeding so strongly down the low.

I hope people saw beyond the spin, beyond the show. I hope people heard the words. There were some powerful, and frankly scary things said about policy that I hope was heard through the slams and digs. I am not a lover how either party is running their campaign, but one party is dancing dangerously close to some frightening policy changes. I hope this becomes the focus of the remainder of the campaign. We all complain how about negative things are, yet supporters of each generally at the core of it. It speaks as much to who we are as it does to the political system. How can we claim to deplore hate and bigotry when it is so central to our political system??? Television is mostly crap because most of watch it and politics is mostly negative because we accept, and often participate in it.

Matthew Wayne Shepard (December 1, 1976 – October 12, 1998)


Dennis said...

Tye, come on now, this is exactly the type of debate the American People wanted and deserved, a real cat fight. Last week, President Obama acted with dignity, class, and grace in the debate and look what it got him, universal condemnation and a Romney Surge in the polls. There is only one choice in this election if you are gay, Obama-Biden. There is also only one choice if you are a rational,intelligent, progressive, compassionate person, Obama-Biden. The Republicans want to impose an extremist, economic and social agenda on the country. I am a proud and enthusiastic supporter of the Democrats. I am not turning my country over to these people without a fight. You need to get with the program.

Bobby F said...

Thank you for remembering Matthew!

Mark L said...

Tye, I am not sure there is a different way to have a political debate - at least not in the long term. Over here in Europe things are pretty much the same. People derided campaigns for being negative but studies show that negative campaigns are usually successful.

It is so refreshing to sometimes hear a debate between senior politicians that are no longer in office, that no longer have to score party political "points". However it seems this higher level of debate is not engaging to people, so we end up with a dog fight.

I only watched a few "lowlights" from the first debate as it was frustrating that Obama allowed Romney to take the initiative all the time. I watched more of the VPs debate and although I am surprised that Biden was not schooled out of those alarming mannerisms of laughing and smirking, I thought he won clearly on substance.

Anonymous said...

The most frustrating aspect of this election season are the people who claim to still be undecided. I think those people just want to seem special by saying that. Whatever idiot has not made up their mind by now really should not be voting because they are blind to what's been going on around them. Another thing I'll never understand are poor people who vote Republican. I can't tell you how many times I've drove by some dump of a car with a Mitt sticker on it.
