Thursday, May 11, 2017

Bruce Boxleitner: Actors & Skin

I hadn't intended to do an Actors & Skin post on actor Bruce Boxleitner, but when I saw he has only done two, thought I would do a mini-one given it's his birthday. I remember watching Scarecrow & Mrs. King a little with my mother, but I mostly knew Bruce from celebrity magazines and TV guest shots until a few years ago. Back in 2014, when doing a post on actor Timothy Bottoms, I purchased the 1981 television mini-series version of East of Eden. Although very distant than the film version, Jane Seymour was quite good and Timothy and Bruce were quite hot.

Whenever I do a birthday post, the first thing I usually do is see if the actor I am featuring has nude scenes. I knew of, and included, a few old caps from his 1992 butt scene in Double Jeopardy in some older posts, but thought they needed an update. I didn't know, that Bruce had done another butt scene, 17 years earlier when Bruce was 25. I had not seen images, or clips from this film before. In 1975's Sixpack Annie, Bruce and his girlfriend are caught skinny dipping by the local sheriff. The sheriff, being the wise, and dirty ole man that he seems, insists Bruce get out of the water, as he stands on the shore and watches.

East of Eden (1981)

Double Jeopardy (1992)

Sixpack Annie (1975)

'Catfish got your tootsie roll?'

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