Thursday, February 4, 2021

Guido Benitez: Bombshell

When most people thing of bombshell's, they think of beautiful blonde starlets from Hollywood's golden age.  Women like Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe and Farrah Fawcett.  But bombshell's can come in many forms and packaging.  Given the term means; stunning, amazing or devastating, I think that blonde Adonis Guido Benitez more than fits the build. 

Whenever I see old images of Hollywood blondes, they always seem to be glistening. For most of those women, maybe most of that glisten was glitter and make-up, but I'm sure there was a little sweat in there somewhere.  Guido certainly glistens, maybe in part due to his daily workouts as a radical trainer.  Either way, his images are stunning, especially this shoot with photographer Joan Crisol.