Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Just Because: Highschool Confidential

I know these were posted awhile ago, but still wanted to add them to the site.  Most of remember, especially if you grew up in the 80's and 90's, remember the photo booth.  Those booths in malls, bus and train stations where you could take a pic, then wait about 5 minutes for your images to come out of the slot.  I still have dozens of those 4 image photos in my old photo albums.  

I love these shots of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.  I especially like them due to the changes both have experienced in their careers.  Both started out doing dramatic, even artsy films, early roles and films I really enjoyed.  Both sadly morphed into 'action stars' on film, rarely stepping too far from the adrenaline driven films that makes them so much money.  I'm not really a fan of their current incarnations, but I loved their early work, and can get behind the two kids, heads filled with dreams  in these two images.

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