Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Ahoy Alex!

With my recent move and the changes at work, I'm so behind on my television watching.  It's funny that sometimes, when you miss out on watching something, you discover you really didn't miss it all.  I do love me some Below Deck though, and this weekend got caught up on this season's Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Sailing Yacht used to be my least favorite in the Below Deck series of shows, but it's become one of my favorites to check out.  The sailing element adds another visual element, and another challenge for the busy crew members.  Although I'm over Gary, and his skeezy ways, we at least we had a break from him in the seasons first couple of episodes.  Gary had Covid, which gave us the opportunity to get to know the other members of the crew.

2 images of Alex below by

Although we had a few returning crew members, the stewardesses and deckhands are all new to the show including deckhand Alex Propson. Both he and fellow deckhand Chase are cute, and fun to watch, Alex is certainly a beauty.  He is often shirtless and I know I'm in the minority, but I'm a sucker for a man bun on a good looking guy.

Alex seems like a nice guy, sure he might be a little lazy on anchor watch, but given that's a night shift, we'll cut him some slack.  Given he's worked as a captain, I agree with him that a lot of that repeated cleaning is a big waste of time.  I respect Alex for not jumping on a relationship with Lucy, but his being patient is allowing Gary to make his moves.  

Sailing Yacht is not exactly the love boat, so long term romance is not really the goal.  A little flirt or captain sex with a boat fling does help relieve all that stress from all the hard work.  I think Lucy's too horny to wait for the hottie, she's voiced that herself. If she were smart, however she take a pass on Gary, but watching the previews, seems she took the first, not the best.  

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