Tuesday, December 12, 2023

12 Days: John Saxon in Black Christmas.

'It's beginning to look a lot like...bloodshed!'

FH readers know I love good blend of Christmas with horror and 1974's Black Christmas is one of my favorites.  As Christmas approaches, an axe-wielding psycho is terrorizing a sorority. As it happens, the mad murderer also makes obscene phone calls -- and he lives in the attic right above the girls.

It wasn't that long ago when I first discovered and watched the original Black Christmas.  After my first viewing, on TCM I think, I did post featuring the film, and it's male lead, actor Keir Dullea. (HERE:) That lead to another post featuring Keir and some of his on-screen nudity. (HERE:)

I caught some of the film again last week, and this time, in addition to enjoying seeing a young Andrea Martin, only had eyes for Lt. Ken Fuller played by the studly John Saxon.  Actor John Saxon was alive the first time I saw the film, and at the time wasn't really that familiar with his work.  I remember him briefly on Melrose Place, and from his time on Falcon Crest. I didn't watch a lot of the show, however and have really only seen some of the early seasons, the ones that made it to DVD. 

I did learn a little more about John after his death in 2020.  Well beyond the few television appearances that I saw, John had a long and eclectic film career including playing another Lt, this time Lt Thompson in the original Nightmare on Elm Street. 

John is really a great example of 'beefcake' and from my research showed off his beautiful hairy chest in many projects in the 50's, 60's and 70's.  Although I could not find any on-screen nudity, there were some caps from some of his films from the 70's, and 80's that have me wanting to check them out.

Two films from 1980,  Beyond Evil, about a mansion with a demonic presence and Cannibal Apocalypse, about a dangerous virus that turns people into cannibals both seem campy and fun.  Both also include shirtless scenes from Saxon.  In the meantime, if you're an old school horror fan who hasn't seen Black Christmas, be sure not to let another holiday season go by without checking it out!

Beyond Evil (1980)

Cannibal Apocalypse (1980)

1 comment:

MAVERICK said...

I cannot get one movie in which Saxon appeared completely naked... even though is saw from behind... but is a complete sequence take... he enter to bathroom with intention to take a bath and walks into shower showing his perfect V back and toned muscles...
What movie is? Can you help me?