Thursday, February 22, 2024

Barry Keoghan: Beforehand...

'It totally felt right. It’s ownership. This is my place. It’s full confidence in, ‘I can do what I want in this manor. I can strip to my barest and waltz around because this is mine.’ Yeah... it was fun.'

Some of you might remember, that when I put together my Sex in Cinema 2022 feature, (HERE:) I only briefly mentioned Saltburn.  I'd stayed up late the previous night to watch, but fell asleep half-way through, therefore not getting to actor Barry Keoghan's hottest scenes, including his naked dance through the end.  I started to put together a follow-up focused on the scene, but then put the piece on the hold.  By then, the scene and the dance was already all over the net, and didn't just want to jump on the bandwagon.

That being said, the scene was groundbreaking.  Male nudity in main stream movies actually seems to have decreased over the last decade, so Barry's nude scenes were actually rather rare.  Although there is still a fair amount of male nudity in independent films, the days of almost every movie actor having the prerequisite butt scene seems sadly to have passed.  

Many still flash a little flesh on cable TV but it's seems more likely you're seeing a prosthetic, or computer generated male body part, than the actual body part of an actor himself.  Barry let us know that in Saltburn, everything we were seeing was boldly Barry.  Apparently, Barry even filled his naked dance 11 times to ensure it was right.

'I was like, ‘Let’s go again. Let’s go again.’ You kind of forget, because there’s such a comfortable environment created, and it gives you that license to go, ‘All right, this is about the story now.'

Instead however, of posting more of images or videos of the actor's Saltburn dance, I decided to go beforehand, to the first time I'd seen Barry's beautiful body on-screen.   If you haven't seen 2016's Mammal, I highly recommend you try to find a way to watch.  

The film is not only beautifully haunting, you also get another view of the full Barry.  No, not a dance, but he does expose himself both physically, and emotionally, in a move and a performance that stayed with me much longer than his turn in Saltburn.  You can check out images and a video from the film on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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