Friday, January 17, 2025

Elias Kacavas: Memorable Moments

One of the reasons the relationship between Cal, (Elias Kacavas) and Derek, (Henry Eikenberry) resonated so much for me, was it's seminaries' to my own high school experiences.  The details were very different of course, but the complicated emotions and relationships were definitely familiar.

I've shared most of this in previous posts, but I'll for those interested, I'll give you a readers digest version.  I was in high school during the nineties, and remained tightly in the closet for all three years.  It wasn't until I was in University that I officially came out.  I say officially, as I'd told a female friend, and just her, earlier, and some of my friends and family, especially one of my brothers, knew, but kept quiet until I was ready to share.

Above: Elias by Peter Mellekas

In addition to being in the closet, I also had the same girlfriend for most of my high school years.  We were off an on for awhile, but incredibly close, and she was first sexual partner.  I enjoyed sex with her, maybe in part as I was determined to hide who I was, but I always knew, even if I tried to suppress it, I wasn't being my authentic self.   She knew as well, or at least felt it, leading to several of our fights, and off again times.

We often hung around with my best friend and his girlfriend.  Most of our other friends called us a 'foursome' as we were often together, at least through most of grade 11.  The skinning dipping scene in Euphoria is one of the hottest, and most complicated scenes, and I experienced one very similar.  It wasn't in a pool, but in a lake.  The 'foursome' went hiking one weekend, and when we got to a lake, we decided to skinny dip.  Of course, I quickly got an erection, which basically was ok, given the circumstance.

The issue after was that my best male friend had a suspicion it was his naked body, not my girlfriends, or his, that caused my boner.  He was right of course, and although I denied it, our friendship was never quite the same.  It didn't end abruptly, or in a heated moment, it just, like so many friendships, sort of faded away.   We never had a 'dance' moment like Cal and Derek, except in my fantasies of course.

There really aren't enough movies about gay school kids falling hard for a straight classmate when in school.  Although today, more kids are supported to come out, there are still so many who remained closeted until safely out of the hell that is Jr. and Senior high.  This means, most of our loves and lusts are hidden, and most involved people who are straight.  

I would have loved if the show had further explored this relationship, or done a Cal in University spin-off.  You know his adult anger and aggression are connected to remaining in the closet, and shoving down his feelings for so many decades.  Yes, he now secretly satisfies his sexual urges, but in an incredibly angry and unhealthy wasy.

Pool Time:

The sensual tension between Cal and Derek was visible whenever they were together, something Cal's father also clearly saw.  This of course led to tension between Cal and his family, and what I assume was an eventual end to his friendship with Derek.  In order to keep hiding, it had to end.  I would not go back there for anything, and can just imagine how the anger and resentment would have grown if I had not eventually come out.  Both actors were exceptional in the episode, especially Kacavas as Cal. 

The other show Kacavas bared a little skin on was a season 1 episode of Pretty Little Liars, Original Sin.  I've yet to dive into the Pretty Little Liars series of books and shows, but like so many other shows, they're on the list! 

Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin

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