Friday, May 19, 2023

R.I.P Helmut Berger

I'm trying to do less R.I P posts these days.  It's not that I don't think they're important, but with all the celebrity deaths over the last couple of years, some sites often more like obituary pages.  That being said, given the focus of FH, I could not ignore the recent death of actor Helmut Berger.  

I didn't actually read about his death until I noticed my 2015 post spotlighting the actor, (HERE:) was going through the roof with hit counts.  Then I saw why.  Helmut's onscreen nudity was both trail blazing and iconic.  Sadly, it was also another reminder that no matter how hard we try,  we're destined to never uncover Dorian Gray's secret.  R.I.P Helmut Berger.

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