Sunday, July 16, 2023

Bookworm: Sergey by Richard Rothstein

'Books are a uniquely portable magic.'
Stephen King

Writing about photographer Robert J. Guttke today had me thinking about books.  Not only the many books he suggested I read, but his bookworm series of images.  Combining passions is a gift photographers get to both give and receive, especially when weaving two specific and singular loves, into one artist vision.

Like so many others, I love both both reading and books, and visuals of the male form.  My love of stories, and storytelling, is one of the reasons I continue to love working on FH.  One of my favorite storytellers is photographer Richard Rothstein.  If you've been a regular reader of the site, you know that Richard's images and shoots always tell a very distinct and intentional story.  

One of the muses who inhabits so many characters in Richard's stories is model Serg Shepard.  Serg has acted as both as inspiration and as the medium in the telling of many tales.  For many, there is nothing erotic about a night with a good book, but with the right book, and the right reader, a night of page turning can be incredible sensual and satisfying. 

In addition to just the right book, maybe a romance, a mystery or a historical dramas, you need to create just the right atmosphere.  A glass of wine perhaps, just the right lighting, and a comfortable place to lie down, relax, and take a deep dive into another place, another time, another world.

This series of images are actually the final shots in series Richard shot at the historic Jane Hotel in New York.  Although Richard's shoots are currently on pause, these shots of Sergey are new, and were taken just before Richard took a break.  I'll share the rest of the shoot soon, but thought these were perfect to showcase on their own.  Be sure to check out much more of Sergey, both images and videos on his OnlyFans HERE:

Serg Shepard on OnlyFans

Richard Rothstein on Instagram

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