Thursday, October 19, 2023

James Brolin in The Amityville Horror

'The house is doing things, windows open by themselves, a room full of flies at the wrong time of the year.  Last night the front door was ripped off its hinges, from the inside.'
George Lutz

In addition being well received by most film critics,  many credit The Amityville Horror of changed the career of it's lead actor James Brolin.    Prior to accepting the part, Brolin was working on the drama, Night of the Juggler.  Although there was no script for Amityville, Brolin was encouraged to read the source novel written by Jay Anson.

While reading the book, especially when reading some of the scarier scenes, Brolin recalled in interviews of experiencing some paranormal activity in the hotel that was staying at.  Brolin credits these occurrences as a sign he really needed to accept the part of George Lutz and to the movie.

In addition to being well received by critics, Brolin's scene in his tighty whities was well received by another set of critics, those with a passion for the male form.  As much as I love a good nude scene, there aren't enough scenes with men in white briefs.  Today, most actors in underwear scenes wear bulky boxers, underwear not really comfortable stuffed under a pair of tight jeans.

I think Brolin was at his hottest in the 70's and during the time around the making of the film.  He works the beard and long curly hair, not to mention the tight jeans and tighty whities.  Someone really dropped the ball by not casting Brolin and Kris Kristofferson as brothers or cousins in a project!

'I'm coming apart! Oh, mother of God, I'm coming apart!'

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