Friday, December 29, 2023

New Year's Special!

'I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.'
Thomas Jefferson

With all due reference to Thomas Jefferson, I like both the dreams of the future, and the dreams of the past.  Sure, when we're thinking about our own personal past, it's sometimes difficult to distinguish between our factual past from our rose colored glasses, but I'm thinking about a past beyond what we lived, or even when we've lived. 

Since starting FH, I've gone back to the past often, often to decades and year before I was born.  When I think of the art of capturing the male form, I tend to fantasize certain times and places.  I dream about what it must have been like to be shooting nudes in the 40's, 50's and 60's, posing for Playgirl in the 70's, the film nudity of the 80's and doing softcore porn in the 90's.  I know there were challenges, there were people being taken advantage of, their were people arrested for creating imagery deemed tame today.

But the great visuals created during those era's speak about the dreams those who created them had, and offer a glimpse into the best parts of the time and place they were taken.  At Christmas, I took a look back at many at some of the magazine covers from holiday issues of classic publications focused on the male form.  For New Year's, I decided to focus on ads for the many parties and bashes on and around December 31st. 

Many of the images featured here came from (TWT) This Week In Texas, a weekly 8 page publication for LBGTQ readers that started in 1975.  The Houston LBGTQ history society has a huge archive of covers and ads from the many years of the magazine. 

The remainder of the shots came from searching for New Year's Eve posters from specific years from specific clubs and bars.  I found many more than are featured here, but these were some of my favorites.

Boy Marky Mark, at least in 1992, was really leaning into his gay followers and fanbase, promoting his club appearances as only an underwear model can do.

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