Saturday, March 16, 2024

Cole Wagner: Bein’ Green

'It's not easy bein' green 
It seems you blend in 
With so many other ordinary things'

It was Kermit the Frog who said it's not that easy Bein' Green.  Given he's a frog, he been garbed in green since he was just a wee tadpole.  Poor Kermit bemoaned being the same color as leaves, tree's and other ordinary things.  In the end however, he remembered that green was also the color spring, and that so many people look forward to the leaves and tree's turning a brilliant green each year, in many places, beginning around St. Patrick's Day.

It's also not easy bein' green when the green is military green, and you have to wear it every day for work.  That's one of the reasons model Cole Wagner loves to model on his off time, channeling his creative compulsions into his work.  FH readers got to know Cole when I previously featured his work with RMark Photography. (HERE:)  

For St. Patrick's Day, Cole got creative with his military green, shooting these self portraits to celebrate the color of spring, and the color of St Paddy's Day!  Cole also has his own connections to the holiday, including the Irish necklace he's wearing in the black and white image at the top of the post.

'The necklace was given to me by my wife. The necklace has two symbols, one on each side. This side in the photo is the Tree of Life, a universal symbol in Irish culture. The other side is the Wolf Fenrir. It represents the Nordic faith. My annual St. Patty’s Day film is The Departed. A common tradition is I will make an Irish stew with Cajun fusion to add extra flavor. Back in the day, I used to down a decent number of boiler makers in one setting, but I enjoy my beer in moderation these days.'

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